ice and more ice


New member
carefull on the roads gtown rd is solid ice , comming home from work i watched 2 idots spin out at slow speeds due to over braking and over steering , lmao at these people who think they know how to drive in the ice and wet snow
the snow it now all ice about 2-3'' in spots, and freezing rain , tree braches are breaking and falling on cars in our parking lot
Lost power till about midnight thank you god for duraflames, computer battery back ups to run pumps on tanks, chili, and portable dvd players! BTW have a huge limb laying on my roof!!!!! arg!
Just hanging out at the house by the fire. I loaned a customer my truck and I have been tuning his 08 Corvette Z06 that is Supercharged on race tires, so I rented a 4wd Nitro from Enterprise yesterday. I received a call for the alarm company that a window was broked out of the shop so I get there and it was ice falling off a car then the garage area.