Icecap SLR reflector clip mounting question


Premium Member

I posted this in the Icecap forum as well, but figured I'd ask here as well. I recently received the SLR reflectors for 54w T5's and wanted to make sure I was mounting the clips on correctly. This is how I've currently mounted the clips, but they don't seem to be secure and have a tendency to slip to one side or another because of they're only contacting the reflector at the top of the central "peak." It also seems like mounting the clip in this fashion elevates the bulb a little too far of the reflector. Anyone mount the clips differently?

BTW, I've left the yellow protective coating on purposely until I'm ready to mount them.



I took a pair of pliers and bent the small tab flat so the clip would mount flush to the top of the reflector. Worked fine and was more stable. Of course that was before I ditched all my T5 equipment...

Change the nut and the bolt around and the clip will be sucked into it real tight......just try it and you'll know what I mean.
Dont forget to remove the yellow plastic(you laugh but there have been plenty of people that didn't)ok I am laughing now too. Was not me but I did when I first setup my FOWLR when PC were all that.