I'm going to bump this.... I have a bad case of ich going on. I talked to my LFS and he's saying all fish carry the parasite. But with a stress-free tank and well fed their immune system fights it off. What are you guys opinions
Fish that are quarantined and treated don't carry it.
Many of the fish that aren't quarantined or treated do.
With all the information about ich out there, we should be past this.
To the post about biofiltration at low salinity, I have used hypo in a display a couple different times, and didn't see trouble with ammonia. At a low enough specific gravity, at some point, the bacteria would be in danger of too much osmotic pressure, but it is apparently lower than 1.009
so how long is a fallow period.. Because since reading constantly about what I'm going to do with treatment I've read 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 72 days, 80 days and now I just was talking to a LFS and they said 90 days but hypo typically will not work. only thing know to 100% kill ich is copper. Which I can't do since I have wrasse
So copper won't kill ich that is in the cyst stage??
No, it only kills the free swimming stages of it. same goes for hypo and CP I believe.
Ich in its "œegg" form can be carried by live rock, coral, other invertebrates.
So unless you never add any coral, shrimp, snails, such as cleanup crews, after a proper fish-less treatment, ich can be always in the water.
Here is a link to an actual scientific study:
https://pearl.plymouth.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/10026.1/2632/PETER JOHN BURGESS.PDF?sequence=1
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