ID Please

Hi k3v1n,

That is Caulerpa racemosa. You do not need to key your lights on 24/7, however, when Caulerpa reproduces sexually the parental 'plant' dies and releases gametes. This seaweed makes and stores an endotoxin that helps protect it grom grazing (you have probably noticed that snails leave it alone). Upon death a large amount of this toxin can be released into your tank, depending how how much of the seaweed has 'gone sexual,' how big your tank is, and what kind of filtration you have, this could be dangerous. Some people seem to think that lighting this algae 24/7 prevents it from reproducing sexually. I light my 'fuge 24/7 and so far so good. If you prune the algae to keep individual stolons (runners) less than 12" it is very unlikely that it will be large enough to attempt to reproduce sexually. If you prune it only cut it in one place as this seaweed is actually one giant cell (termed a coenocyte) and it can bleed out its cellular contents (which may also release a bit of toxins into the aquarium or kill the plant releasing all of the toxins it has manufactured into the tank). I realliy like Caulerpa and take advantage of its beauty and use as a nutrient exporter.
