Identify white fuzzy coccoon looking things under my LR


New member
what are these white fuzzy coccoon looking things growing on the underside of my LR ? also have what i think is a nuisance snail, starts as a white "plate" on the glass that does come off w/the mag-float but the outer ring is stubborn. and is that algae growing on the back of my tank? it is taking over the back wall and i have nill coraline growth back there. the green stuff is ugly, i was hoping for some purple/pink coraline... any ideas guys ??



They look like snail eggs, but it's really hard to tell with the fuzziness fo the pics.

Your description sounds more like "pineapple sponges," but the pics (especially the ones on the glass) don't.


It's hard to see them in your pictures, but the white fuzzy coccoon-looking things under the LR are probably sponges. I get them under my rock and in dark places like my filters. They don't hurt anything. The white things on the back glass - I don't know. I have lots of something similar, but they are little tube worms. The green growth looks like diatoms. Does it come off real easy, like a film?
Here's a Picture of the things on my glass.

first 2 pics appear to be Nerite or Nassarius snail eggs. the fuzzy thing are probablly some type of sponge. most likely pineapple AKA Scypha sponges.

Houtz: those you have pic'd are Spirorbid Worms

all are harmless!