If u were changing skimmers which one would u choose?


The OG mad scientist
I run an ETSS pro 800 , in the past my setups have had ETSS mainly including my current 200. I'm window shopping and want to consider others for my 200(240 total volume), as well as for my next project wich is in the works it will be around 600 dimensions
( 125L X 50W X 25H). This new endeavor ( planning stages are the most fun IMO)will be a closed loop system and so forth.
Anyways If u guys had a choice in what goes into this tank both in the 240 and the 600
which skimmer u will choose and why. Thanks.
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I am really impressed with the small deltec I have, it pulls triple the amount as my euroreef which sits next to each other.
I don't like downdrafts only because of their big power consuming pumps they need, but, I agree that they are very good at pulling stuff as well.
There is a few "deltec" design copies in the market that I hear work just as well, H&S is one of them, it has very good reviews as well and lower prices.
I run a euro-reef RC500. If I were doing it over again, I would probably buy a Deltec or one of the other brands with Eheim needle wheels. I took part in the SP4 beta test, and have replaced my pumps twice. IMO, needle wheels are the best because they're pretty much set-and-forget, and power consumption is pretty low.
I agree with Rogger, Deltec makes very good skimmers although pricey. their worth the extra $$$ IMO. i use the Turbo 1250 and it kicks butt. very quiet operation. easy to hook up and tune-in. pretty much a plug n play set up.
Here's a pic

Here's a pic

I run mine with an iwaki and does really well but I may change it
As far as space i think i'll have no problem. I certainly can use any of this as free standing like my current one?
I actually talked to Spazz about making one for me, but ended up not wanting to wait. I was looking for one very similar to the H&S 250 that I bought.

If I had a larger tank, I would definitely have gotten Scott to build it.
Hey NYVP i've seen them pics and I've seen some pics of your setup very nice, also spoke to Roger about it.. I recently placed some 100 micron bags and have been cleaning them over the last 3 wks weekly and yes i've noticed less skimage if u will. Perhaps i understimated the actual reduction in particular matter that the socks would produce.
There's certainly the possibility of upgrading as of now i will probably continue skimming with my current ETSS. But have seriously considered using a comercial ETSS for my future 600 and I'm in the processs of deciding, I truly dont mind the extra energy consumption from the downdraft skimmers. I'm in the process of deciding and truly enjoy picking all of u brains regarding this issue thanks!.
Joe, if you post more of your pics, the skimmer is so big that the pictures weigh 6 lbs. Reefcentral will have to buy more bandwidth just to publish the pics! ;)
Skimmers, are like cars, everybody likes something different. Some like expensive name brand. Some like cheap and economical. Some like huge and impressive. Some like this, some like that. In the end there are many types that work. I prefer beckett injetors.

Gas, i would get any euroreef with an Eheim. I think the RC180 is the smallest with an Eheim. All recirculating models this size and bigger utilize an Eheim.

But Chris is right, everybody has their own personal prefenrence wehn it comes to skimmers.

Having said that, I think im very close to coming full circle and building my own airstone skimmers. What's more efficient than that?

I think the airstone is very efficient but difficult and very time consuming to upkeep. There is a reason why there isn't a major manufacturer that makes one.
Maybe in the States but in europe, they are still using them quite successfully. Sanders and Klaes come to mind. But you are right, the airstones need to be replaced every month. The rest of the maintainace, however, is similar to any other type of skimmer...maintain consant waterlevel, clean collection cup and neck, etc.
