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Hello, my name is Philip and I am new to saltwater tanks. I have a 55 gallon tank that has yet to be cycled. Any suggestions on fish and lights?
I was real lucky and was given a set up that is ready to go minus a light.
Hello, my name is Philip and I am new to saltwater tanks. I have a 55 gallon tank that has yet to be cycled. Any suggestions on fish and lights?
I was real lucky and was given a set up that is ready to go minus a light.

Welcome Philip. Is it going to be a reef tank or just fish and live rock?
I'd say high-end LED, Metal Halide, or a good set of T5 HO flourescents.
Hello all,

I'm Aaron and I am quite new to this hobby. I met my girlfriend a little over a year ago and she had a 36g bow front salt water tank. Once she moved in with me I kind of took over and I really started digging in to the reef keeping information. 4 months later almost every piece of equipment has been replaced and the tank is looking much much better.

I look forward to getting some much needed help from the Reef Central community and hopefully I will be able to provide some useful information as well :)

Also is there a place I should be putting tank specs other than in my signature? I know most people want to know tank information if you ask questions and I didn't know if there a specific place I should be putting this info.


Hey everybody,

This is my first post on the forum my name is David my dream is to become a world renowned audio engineer/sound designer but I've decided to pull my old 50 gal (previously used for freshwater) out the garage and take on a new reef tank as a new hobby because my last became a career goal hahaha. I'm a quick learner so I'm hoping to get really good at this. This seemed like the perfect forum to join to learn everything I need to know and be a part of a community of people who enjoy doing this.

Thanks for having me and I can't wait to start!
Hello All.....basically brand new here. Been lurking a bit but finally joined. I have had a 30 gallon running for about 6 months, just taking nice and slow. Just wanted to say great place with a wealth of knowledge at fingertips.
What's up RC? My name's Tom from Long Island NY I have a 55 gallon reef that I've been working on right after Hurricane Sandy hit last Nov so it's been a couple months of ups and downs doing a bunch of research. Where can I start my own thread for members?
Hello everyone! I'm Melissa from Lafayette LA. I am brand new to this forum and have been in this hobby for about 6 months. My fiance and I recently upgraded to a 120 gallon reef tank. Our first ever saltwater tank was a 75 gallon (i know a bit large to start with!) but quickly became addicted and upgraded relatively fast!

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Names Rafael, I'm from Southern California.
In High school my dad got us a 50 gallon freshwater tank. Which I pretty much took ownership of, it was very simple nothing fancy just a few fish. Gave away the tank when we moved. Now I'm looking to get back into the hobby but with saltwater.
I have a 100 gallon tank 48"x30"x18" and two 15 gallon tanks. Currently the 100 gallon is empty (not setup) and one 15 gallon is setup with freshwater mollies that I am slowly acclimating to saltwater. I got the tanks on some pretty good deals working on getting the other equipment. So I'm in the gathering and research phase at the moment. Working with a very limited budget in what can be an expensive hobby may prove difficult, but I'm not one to shy away from a challenge. I DIY a lot so I'm hoping that will help keep cost down. I am also into photography and cars. Looking to learn and make new friends.
All help/tips/comments are welcome.
Hi, Im Amanda from Mobile, AL. Been in the hobby for about a year now but have been fw until today :). I have a 75 gallon planted amazon freshwater, a 30 gallon planted SAP tank, a 4 gallon male betta, and 10 gallon snail tank to feed my piggy puffers. Today i started a 10 gallon nano reed after months of research and preparation :) i have started a thread and hope to update as things go along. Here is a pic of my setup. Ps, my husband has allowed me to turn pur formal living room into an aquarium room, so i will be adding the largest sw tank setup i can find when the opportunity comes around.


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Hello everyone. I have been a member here for almost exactly six years, however I have only made one post (yesterday). I'm a classic lurker.

About 5 years ago I set up a 30 gallon FOWLR tank and it failed miserably because of a few things. I have recently purchased a new home and want to set up a salt tank again and this time it will be bigger (I'm hoping 120g) and I will follow directions and do it right! I have been spending a lot of time reading through the Newbie stuff and I'm sure once the purchasing begins, I'll have lots of questions.
I've only had freshwater tanks but I moved and took my tank down so now I want to rebuild it as a reef tank. It's a 65-gallon measuring 36"x18"x24". My immediate concern is figuring out what lighting and protein skimmer to get. I'm also wondering if it's a necessity to have a sump/refugium. Thank you in advance to anyone that can help with that or point me in the right direction.
Hi, my name is Brett and I am new to this thread and am trying to grow corals and keep more elaborate fish. I have a Biocube with a skimmer, UV, and media basket. I have a lot of experience with FW fish but want to make the jump to SW. I have had basic damsels and a clown. Does anyone have any suggestions for tougher fish, basic corals, or any upgrades I should make. Thanks in advance
Nice Site!

Nice Site!

I'm a 55 year old guy in San Diego. I've had aquariums most of my life. Started out with 5 and 10 gallon fresh water tanks as a kid.

In the early 80's we had a 55 gallon TruVu marine tank. It was a fish only tank. This is the one we really learned the hobby with. It was a fairly simple setup with an external filter and UV. We were hooked.

A few years later we graduated to a 125 gallon tank. Again no live rocks or coral, but some very pretty tangs, angels, a volitans lion, and a clown trigger.

The 125 was up and running successfully for a very long time. We were very careful and patient with the timing and especially the order in adding new livestock. Our water changes were performed about once a month or less with ocean water from the UCSD Scripps pier in La Jolla.

We've been out of the hobby for a very long while and looking to get back in. Money is definitely an issue. Looking to get back in on a very limited budget. I saw a 16 gallon nano setup at a local shop that fits the budget. I may start there.

This looks like a very nice site. Glad to be here.


Hi, my name is McKayla, and I'm pretty new to saltwater. I have had freshwater tanks for a few years now, but now I'd like to give saltwater a shot :D I am 18 and am an art student. I also have two dogs, two cats, a 7ft snake, and a parrot on the way. I love browsing articles on fish keeping in my free time, and always learn something new and awesome! :wave:
Hi All! New guy from Kansas, just set up my first salt tank (Nuvo 38) about a month ago. I am now obsessed. Just started adding some friends. : ) Found tons of great info on this forum and it appears to be a very fun and friendly forum. Looking forward to learning more from everyone!
Hello, RC. My name is Tom I live in NY and I have a 55 gallon reef tank. Been on here for a couple of months but never posted. Drooling over the tanks here...
Hello ppl, I am in the process of starting my 90gal tank. Never realized how addicting this hobby really can be. i find myself constantly looking at was to sett up my reef tank and options. Im sure i will be asking a ton of question. thank guys!!!

oh, my first question. when is the next BRS group buy? i was reading about those and sounds like a good way to buy some stuff at a great deal.
New member

New member

Hi all, Ive been asking questions so better introduce myself. name is Dennis,located Port Kennedy Western Australia.
I have a 100 Gl fish / reef tank with a 15 gl sump.
Still learning the basics but haven't killed anything yet lol


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