If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hi! I'm Brandon and set up my 55 gallon tank about three months ago. I'm currently setting up a pod population because I want a Mandarinfish! Currently, I have a Royal Gramma, Chalk Basslet, and a Red Shrimp.
Just here to Learn

Just here to Learn

Hi, folks. I do not have a saltwater tank right now, only freshwater. I just want one. So, doing my due diligence, I am here to learn from you guys that have been doing this a long time.
Hi RC Family , New to Saltwater tank

Hi RC Family , New to Saltwater tank

Hi RC Family , thank you all for all the great advice provided on RC, I'm finally ready to take on a Saltwater aquarium, i'm have been a 25yrs fresh water guy, but the always loved the Saltwater fishes. looking forward to starting my own wonderland .

I recently Empty my 40G fresh water , and would like to start a Marine tank with sump and RO-DI unit. really looking forward to learn from all the expertise on the Reef Central forum.

New to Saltwater

New to Saltwater

Hello everyone. My name is Harvey. I have had freshwater fish most of my life. However, I just started my first Saltwater Reef Tank. I'm am very excited about it and appreciate all the discussions on here to help. Happy to be on Reef Central.
Anytime I go to research, there's always something on ReefCentral that is helpful. I have joined today because I'm having trouble finding info on my scenario (nothing like joining when there's a "need" huh!) I'm certain my scenario is not unique.
Anyway, been a troll up to this point.
I have a 75 gallon display with a 40 gallon sump with refugium.
I drilled the tank to install a homemade coast to coast overflow.
Homemade auto topoff
Homemade 1" tube stand
Octo 110 skimmer
A knock off 3400 gph wakemaker (works great)
A cheap powerhead
Ecotech Gen 3 light
Dry rock
Live sand
Two clowns.
Tank has been running since 9-17. I know! It's very young. This is a game of patience, right.

I have come to realize that the bacteria-in-a-bottle may be OK for fish, but probably not for establishing a reef. Up to a few weeks ago I would do water changes when the ammonia would rise. Never have seen any nitrites or nitrates. My friend gave me some mushrooms, a couple of hammers and some snails early this year, died. I purchased a torch 3 weeks ago, died. Im coming around to thinking my tank has yet to cycle. I believe the water changes I've been doing has stopped it.
So, two weeks ago I set up a 10 gallon tank (need a quarantine anyway), and put the clowns in it. Then I took a raw shrimp and threw in the 75. Left everything running.
I came home today after two weeks, wife has been maintaining the clowns, to find I finally have nitrates!
About 20 parts nitrates, 0 nitrites and 0.10 ammonia.
I think the ammonia could be because there's still a rotting shrimp in there?
Has this system cycled? I just don't know.
I would certainly appreciate your thoughts.
Not a blogger so forgive me if this is not in the right forum or post.


I am new to this hobby.
Start 01_12_17: Very young tank
The coral I have below are survive but not as bright as it used to be

My system

1/ Equipment:

90 Gallon Display Tank 4ft wide 2 ft deep
30 Gallon Display Refugium
30 Gallon sump (trigger system)
3 Kessils 360W
1 Kessil 360 white light for mangrove on display refugium
1 Kessil H380 for Macro Algae in sump (Chetomorpha)
Tunze Skimmer
2 Tunze Power Heads
2 Sicce 9.0 DC pump (1 for return and 1 for manifold)
Vertex Calcium Reactor.
50W UV Light (Penair)
1 BRS dual Chambers (GFO + Carbon)
1 BRS dual chamber (Carbon + Carbon)

2/ Livestock:

15 Frags all from WWC: (Green Mile, Madman, Mystic Sunset, Purple Cap, Rainbow Monti, Tubb Stella, Terry Red, Blue Berry, Hammer Head)

1 Foxface
1 Coral Beauty
2 Firefish
1 Dory (Regal Tang)
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Crab
Picture of my tank set up


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Looking to Learn

Looking to Learn

Keith from Columbia, MD. I've always loved aquariums, had a couple of freshwater tanks when I was in college but never a saltwater setup. I'm considering it now - haven't actually decided whether to do it or not. I'm trying to figure out answers to questions I have. Cost? Tank type? Maintenance? Pitfalls? How to start? How to avoid salt creep? How to keep the whole thing clean? How long can I leave a particular tank unattended, e.g. weekend away vs summer vacation, etc.

Seems to be a ton of knowledge and people here. Hoping I can get a little smarter and maybe contribute a little.

I'm still new to the hobby after about 8 months with a bucket of rocks and fish. I learned a lot from Geoff's threads, and now I'm at a point where I have specific questions to ask. I'd like to thank all of you who've written so many informative articles!
Keith from Columbia, MD. I've always loved aquariums, had a couple of freshwater tanks when I was in college but never a saltwater setup. I'm considering it now - haven't actually decided whether to do it or not. I'm trying to figure out answers to questions I have.
Cost?A lot more than you realize, but worth it.
Tank type? Around 100gal is a good easy beginner size.
Maintenance?More than freshwater.
Pitfalls? Many
How to start? See what the LFS has running in the shop.
How to avoid salt creep? Fresh water only tank
How to keep the whole thing clean? Hire someone is the easiest.
How long can I leave a particular tank unattended, e.g. weekend away vs summer vacation, etc. Depends on the tank size and livestock.

Welcome, I went from fresh to salt and it took me 2 years to get the hang of it. If i ever went back it would be to breed killifish again like Blue Lyretail's
Anytime I go to research, there's always something on ReefCentral that is helpful. I have joined today because I'm having trouble finding info on my scenario (nothing like joining when there's a "need" huh!)

About 20 parts nitrates, 0 nitrites and 0.10 ammonia.
I think the ammonia could be because there's still a rotting shrimp in there? Yes Take it out
Has this system cycled? I just don't know. I would guess yes
I would certainly appreciate your thoughts.
Not a blogger so forgive me if this is not in the right forum or post.
Your water source could be the cause of your coral issues. RO/DI? PH or clorine issues?
Hello Reef Central.

Hello Reef Central.

Don't know if I should introduce myself as the new old guy or the old new guy. Fact is up until about 8ish years ago I had been keeping aquaria for 12 years or so. I dabbled in freshwater, planted tanks with discus/tetras etc. Built a tank for fancy goldfish for my wife, but saltwater was my addiction.
I'm a plumber by trade. Have been for almost 40 years and it has served me pretty well in this hobby. I've helped build many tanks for friends and worked with a local aquarium maintenance service to do set-ups. I've acted as a consultant on a huge tank at a business not too far from home. But that's all been some time ago.
When the economy tanked, I got out of the hobby. Now 8ish years later I'm making a move to get back in it. I'm relearning, but it's like riding a bike so it seems. What I'm also learning is that in 8ish years, there have been a ton of advancements. The animals still require the same husbandry, but the equipment options are really amazing.
I look forward to learning from this community. Happy reefing, be talking to you soon.
I am new and desperately need help

I am new and desperately need help

I am desperately trying to figure out what is going on with my tank. I am losing all my new fish and am having trouble understanding why. If I could get some people who could help that would be amazing.
Hi I'm new. I have a really bad case of aiptasia currently in my tank. They are even eating small shrimp and fish. How do I get rid.

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New to Reef Central

New to Reef Central

Hello all,
I've been a wandering forum creeper for years. I settled on the one I thought was best. My name is Dan, Critical/Trauma RN from Central PA. I've had an aquarium my whole life (52). I have kept a FOWLR for about 20 of them. The past two years got into softies and some LPS. So you can say, I have really eased into keeping corals haha. I'm looking to advance my LPS keeping.
It' great to have such a valuable network of experience and advice at your fingertips. Thanks for having me!
Great to find this forum. Brand new to both the site and the hobby. . just got an 8 gallon set up. Had a fish only tank and one clownfish was in there, but he passed recently. :( (Had ich and I didn't catch it in time till was too late to treat). In process of having the tank quarantined.

I need help..

I need help..

So, I'm beginning the journey from a 10 gallon nano to a 180 FOWLR..
On my 10 gallon I ran an aqua clear 30 filter, a heater a rio pump and an LED light.., that's it!!! I did great for 3 years, then I just gave up!!!
That is the extent of my knowledge and experience with saltwater aquariums.
I need help?!!
I want a peninsula style aquarium..
Were do I get the tank from72-24-24?
As per filtration?? I am at a loss, my eyes are crossing after hours/days of surfing the web.. Wet dry? Yes!
No -Wet dry..?!! Sponge/filter socks?! Carbon reactor?
GFO reactor?!! Bio pellet reactor, yes! But u have to be careful running them together. UV? Chato reactor?!!
What kind of overflow??!!
Herbie?!! Bean animal??!!Skimmer?
Someone help🙏!!
So, I'm beginning the journey from a 10 gallon nano to a 180 FOWLR..
On my 10 gallon I ran an aqua clear 30 filter, a heater a rio pump and an LED light.., that's it!!! I did great for 3 years, then I just gave up!!!
That is the extent of my knowledge and experience with saltwater aquariums.
I need help?!!
I want a peninsula style aquarium..
Were do I get the tank from72-24-24?
As per filtration?? I am at a loss, my eyes are crossing after hours/days of surfing the web.. Wet dry? Yes!
No -Wet dry..?!! Sponge/filter socks?! Carbon reactor?
GFO reactor?!! Bio pellet reactor, yes! But u have to be careful running them together. UV? Chato reactor?!!
What kind of overflow??!!
Herbie?!! Bean animal??!!Skimmer?
Someone help��!!
As far as filtration, this discussion could become very long and in depth. What type of aquarium are you going for and how much time do you have to maintain it? How many fish do you plan on having? corals? live rock?


Hi all. Long time viewer but new to RC. Getting back into saltwater. I had a 110 15 years ago but had to give it up. Starting back up with a 75 and am going to try to remember all my mistakes from the past and do things better this time around. I eventually want to get a much bigger tank but want to see how things go with this first. I am plumbing everything to the basement where I can do all my work without crawling under a stand. RO/DI, drains, sump, refugium etc will be down there, spread out at a comfortable level for working.
Excited and nervous.
I drilled my tank, painted my back glass panel, installed overflow, and set up aquascape. Tomorrow I rinse and put in sand and make my RO/DI water.