I'm proud to announce my first DIY sump/fuge :)

What you guys think of the fuge kit sell by ebay user usa_aquarium? Thinking of getting that instead of cutting my own...
its great, i had some major problems with nitrates before, and now they are officially gone :) sump/fuge is the way to go...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6499549#post6499549 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lunner
What you guys think of the fuge kit sell by ebay user usa_aquarium? Thinking of getting that instead of cutting my own...

Give me a link and I'll check it out. I saw one sump on ebay a month ago, and wondered how they could ship it so cheaply. Turns out you have to build it yourself. I didn't know that until a buyer told me that.
I ran the calculations for the 24" fuge and based on those dimensions, it would hold 17 gallons of water full. Since it's a sump/fuge, it will hold less than that when in use. For $6 more, their 30" fuge would hold 22-gals full. I'm looking at the 30" to place under a 55g.
Actually, it would hold less because you are using outside measurements. If you used inner dimensions where the water actually exists, it is about 19.8g for the larger one, and 17g for the smaller one.

These are quite small actually, but if your tank doesn't drain much when the return pump is off, or the system is used as a refugium only, it isn't bad.

It is DIY, as you are going to have to assemble it yourself. And what you see is not what you get. There are several items in the pictures that are not included.

That is the exact vendor & product someone showed me a few weeks ago.