Impromptu Meeting Saturday June 5, 2010

No tank for me Ryan...wife backing out for now. Sorry bro. But i'll try to make it out tomorrow.
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Thanks Ryan, I had a good time and it was good to meet a few new faces. I woulda took a donut home but Jeff made that crack about working out... I'm gonna hit the workout extra hard now, next time I see you Jeff I'll give you a free ticket to the GUN SHOW!! You gotta show love for the ectomorphs of the world too. Yeah I did just say ectomorph, and yeah I had a few beers.
Man I've been home sick with a sinus infection an was unable to make it...hopefully I'll be able to make the next one... And so who is the president now room? And there's no one at any other offices? Depending on when/where I find another job at and the days I have to work I might be able to help out..I'd like to get back in the swing of things
Thanks Ryan it was fun. Wish I wouldn't of been so excited to get to talk shop and talked with more of the new faces. We need to do this more often. Oh ya I almost wish I would of stayed there i got a sun burn at the lake. No not really jet boats are pretty cool.
First I want to greatly thank everyone that ended up showing. It is much appreciated to see the turnout as good as it was for a meeting that was against the traditional meetings were used to. For those that missed or couldn't make it, you missed a good time but we all understand we have lives beyond our tanks. For all the newer people to the area of just the group it was nice to meet some new faces and hear different insights on ways we can improve the culture here in the Northern Valley in respects to the reefing hobby.

In the spirit of the club and my devotion in just trying to keep all of you (my friends) in the loop of things. I think I will go ahead and move forward in staging another meeting. Still not sure the main objective, but a meeting will come about. I'm thinking two months from now being August 7th. More details will come. Sorry I'm just on vacation mode and don't feel like thinking right now lol :D

Oh btw this is for JoshuaG
:uzi: :worried:
Me Josh
... And so who is the president now room? And there's no one at any other offices? ..I'd like to get back in the swing of things


There is no current BOD, no President, nobody. This was not an "NVR Meeting" just some folks getting together. Big thanks to Ryan for taking the initiative to organize and run the event. It's refreshing to see someone step up to the plate and execute a plan.

There will be a "final" club meeting, it looks like Sep 19th but I have to confirm with the guest speaker. We will be raffling off all remaining raffle items and opening up the call for BOD volunteers one last time. If there is no BOD in place by the end of the year for 2011 then, as one of the co-founders of the club I'll be making a decision on what to do with the official part of the club (organizational status, non-profit status, bank account, website, po box, and club property).

For the group that attended, as well as the rest who are reading this, please keep in mind that without the official part of the club future meetings would be up to members to host and fund, there will be no guest speakers other than local folks (unless expenses are funded by someone), and no sponsors. Personally I think it would be a shame to lose these resources but if the interest level dicatates that round table meetings and "locally led" events (DIY etc) are sufficient it's all good. We don't need a club in the official sense to do those sorts of things anyway, as proved by Ryan's event which of course was open to everyone.
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I'm thinking that your "gut feeling" is probably right on!! Or it might be that chinese food we had yesterday that you're feeling in your gut!!
Ryan let me know if you need some help with the next meeting. i would love to help but my time is somewhat limited due to other responsibilities. Maybe if more people stepped up we could have a slightly larger BOD and lighten the load all around and keep this thing going. Either way I am happy to help where ever I can
