In the beginning, there was Compuserv and Usenet


Sir Brian The Lenient
Staff member
RC Mod
Walking down memory lane...

My first exposure to any "internet" discussions of reef aquaria were old Compuserv usenet newsgroups and similar newsgroups hosted by a magazine (can't remember which one). From there, I found the largest bulletin board at the time, Aqualink (a bulletin board hosted by, but not directed by, an online aquaria supplier). was another very active board at the time. Reef Central was merely a future dream formed by three very active Aqualinkers.

The big players in online ordering included Flying Fish Express, Jeff's Exotic Fish and Harbor Aquatics. Premium Aquatics and Inland Aquatics were also around, and all three of the "Aquatics" were in driving distance for me (a good thing).

GARF was hotly debated among proponents and skeptics, and Sano was the miracle cure for all that ailed the marine aquarium.

Compact florescent lighting was the rage, with CF and VHO challenging metal halide for supremacy among reefers.

It was not uncommon for the biggest of the big names to post on Usenet sites. It was also one of the few hobbies where you could actually meet and talk with the legendary figures (Delbeek, Sprung, ect). Going to a MACNA or IMAC and seeing all of these people was a wonderful treat.

The times, they have a'changed.
In my 30+ years, I've met many. Sprung, Delbeek, Borneman, Moe. All have been a wealth of information to me. For me, in the beginning, it was Calfo. He worked at my LFS and took care of my FOWLR. I probably wouldn't have a reef if it wasn't for him.
Yeah, Eric B and I used to moderate the Saltwater discussion board on AOL - all the way back in 1995/6 PM (pre-meth).

If there was just an Aqua Equalizer to fix all the things wrong in today's BB world...

Ahh the old AOL days... "You've got mail!" lol 28k modems, then if you got a 56k modem you were styling.

I was a member of the old AOL discussion boards back in 96.
As was I. It was back when "local numbers" were a big deal in using AOL. If you didn't have one, you racked up (at least I did) huge long distance charges by not paying attention to how long you were online.
Yeah, Eric B and I used to moderate the Saltwater discussion board on AOL - all the way back in 1995/6 PM (pre-meth).

If there was just an Aqua Equalizer to fix all the things wrong in today's BB world...


Was it FAMA that had a newsgroup/discussion board? I can't remember now.
Was on Compuserve.....and the group was called Fishnet, moderated by Carly...who set the course for strict mods...ask me how I know....:lolspin:

We bumped heads more than once...
Harbor Aquatics was great. Loved going thru Gary's pools of live rock and handpicking them. My 90 gallon still is 100% Harbor Aquatics rock.
I'm surprised you don't remember. I probably called 50 times in the few days after I received the "Package". The saltwater thing (and cycling a tank) were completely new to me.

I remember I had quite the collection of pretty fearsome looking crabs :lol:
Ahh the old AOL days... "You've got mail!" lol 28k modems, then if you got a 56k modem you were styling.


To paraphrase the Monty Python Crew, that's "˜luxury'!

300 baud auto dial modem in 1987 (which is luxury in itself, at least no manual dial and handset cradle!) to connect to my University Unix server and complete my computer science assignments. 8 line by 80 character UTS20 emulation.

Connected to a Windows 3.1 PC XT (again luxury, at least not standard PC, could address 64 KB RAM). No HDD, two 5 1/4" FDDs, so I could boot from one and save data to the other.

Same modem to connect to various bulletin boards (predecessors of forums).

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I'm surprised you don't remember. I probably called 50 times in the few days after I received the "Package". The saltwater thing (and cycling a tank) were completely new to me.

I remember I had quite the collection of pretty fearsome looking crabs :lol:

Who could :lolspin:
I should say, in the very beginning, my Commodore 64 had a little box you put the phone on. The dial-up was a call to NYC. Thought it was cool to send a message to a guy two towns over. Should have just called him. Would have been a lot cheaper. :lol:
Walking down memory lane...

My first exposure to any "internet" discussions of reef aquaria were old Compuserv usenet newsgroups and similar newsgroups hosted by a magazine (can't remember which one). From there, I found the largest bulletin board at the time, Aqualink (a bulletin board hosted by, but not directed by, an online aquaria supplier). was another very active board at the time. Reef Central was merely a future dream formed by three very active Aqualinkers.

The big players in online ordering included Flying Fish Express, Jeff's Exotic Fish and Harbor Aquatics. Premium Aquatics and Inland Aquatics were also around, and all three of the "Aquatics" were in driving distance for me (a good thing).

GARF was hotly debated among proponents and skeptics, and Sano was the miracle cure for all that ailed the marine aquarium.

Compact florescent lighting was the rage, with CF and VHO challenging metal halide for supremacy among reefers.

It was not uncommon for the biggest of the big names to post on Usenet sites. It was also one of the few hobbies where you could actually meet and talk with the legendary figures (Delbeek, Sprung, ect). Going to a MACNA or IMAC and seeing all of these people was a wonderful treat.

The times, they have a'changed.

Are you talking about fishnet on compuserv? It was around way before the internet through dial-up. I was on that as were allot of those that became authors over the years. Just a few I remember like Larry Jackson, Albert Theil, Julian Sprung, Dana Riddle, Steve Tyre, Charles Delbeek, Richard Harker, Bob Goemans and later Eric Bornemann and Ron Shimeck and the list goes on.
I was still using fishnet even after AOL bought them and I was on RC at the time... Those were epic debates and the round tables. I went back to save the round tables because they are the history of the hobby and fishnet was taken down.
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That is awesome. I loved visiting with Gary and Joy back in the day.

Yea I spent a pretty good amount of time there after Gary passed at macna..
A bunch of my friends helped Joy out and I would tag along and help when I could..
I miss Gary from RC chat back in the day. He spent allot of time on there.
I know RC chat is still there on IRC but I have not logged onto it in a long time.

I think what I miss most about the hobby back then was it was more about the biology.
Now it is about fancy equipment and collector corals. So many tanks are over packed with little frags everywhere and all over the sanded.
The turn over in the hobby is insane now too. Most are in the hobby for a short period.
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Mr. Peabody's wayback machine is departing the station... Going back...

rec.aquaria.marine.reefs sci.aquaria
T8 Actinics and daylight bulbs, and 4-foot skimmers driven with limewood airstones
Trickle filters with DLS and bioballs
Undergravel filters driven with airstones or with power heads that actually sat above water level and had cooling fans
Martin Moe's The Marine Aquarium Reference
Crushed oyster shell gravel
Piston air pumps
And oldest of all, from the '60s, Instant Ocean

And that's just the stuff I can still remember!