Info on tank builders


I am in the planning process of my final tank upgrade. This is it, last one.

I going with a 48x48x24 Cube. What acrylic tank builders are in the area that could build something custom like this. I remember Chad saying some guy named Art built all his new tanks. Does anyone have the contact info for that person or anyone else around St. Louis that does this kind of work?

Thanks for the help.
Oh man the one time I can actually help some one and I forget the name of the place! What is it, JBC or something like that down off of Jefferson and Gravois.
Ahhhhh!!!! Its something like that! Ask Chadcamaro, he knows who I'm refering to.
I would go with ART top notch tanks. He will not deal with people only Stores. MS Belts or GWA can get tanks through Dave.
I would call all the stores but I dont think MS can be beat on ART tanks.
The ART tanks at Chad's new store are really built nice, IMO.

I am very happy with my tank dave at art built me, i got mine thru petopia, but there gone now. Like fade said Beldts, Marine Solutions or Gateway, Just call all 3 & have each get you a quote.