Interesting Commentary on Global Warming

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9475856#post9475856 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ninong
...I'm sorry, but this is as far as I'm going in this discussion...:D

Since your going to continue on, please address the 8 points raised in the initial post please. The link is now working now and it does not address these.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9478808#post9478808 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wlagarde
Since your going to continue on, please address the 8 points raised in the initial post please. The link is now working now and it does not address these.

You posted a review of Al Gore's film, An Inconvenient Truth. I haven't seen it.
Re: Interesting Commentary on Global Warming

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9457011#post9457011 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wlagarde
Questions for Al Gore By Dr. Roy Spencer

Dear Mr. Gore:

I have just seen your new movie, "An Inconvenient Truth,"
about the threat that global warming presents to humanity. I think you did a very good job of explaining global warming theory, and your presentation was effective. Please convey my compliments to your good friend, Laurie David, for a job well done. As a climate scientist myself -- you might remember me: I'm the one you mistook for your "good friend," UK scientist Phil Jones during my congressional testimony some years back -- I have a few questions that occurred to me while watching the movie.

1) Why did you make it look like hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, floods, droughts, and ice calving off of glaciers and falling into the ocean, are only recent phenomena associated with global warming?Nobody thinks that these phenomena are only because of GW, even after watching the movie. You surely know that hurricane experts have been warning congress for many years that the natural cycle in hurricanes would return some day, and that our built-up coastlines were ripe for a disaster (like Katrina, which you highlighted in the movie).
And as long as snow continues to fall on glaciers, they will continue to flow downhill toward the sea.I don't think Gore would argue with this.

Yet, you made it look like these things wouldn't happen if it weren't for global warming. Also, since there are virtually no measures of severe weather showing a recent increase, I assume those graphs you showed actually represented damage increases, which are well known to be simply due to greater population and wealth. Is that right?
The first argument isn't really an argument, as he makes the claim that Gore was trying to dupe people into believing GW created hurricanes, tornadoes, etc, which won't be believed by anyone. However, the severity of hurricanes has increased the last 40 years, but not necessarily the number of hurricanes. Whether or not it's a purely natural increase in severity, I don't know.
2) Why did you make it sound like all scientists agree that climate change is manmade and not natural? You mentioned a recent literature review study that supposedly found no peer-reviewed articles that attributed climate change to natural causes (a non-repeatable study which has since been refuted.... I have a number of such articles in my office!)I believe Gore made the claim that there weren't any articles that REFUTED anthropogenic GW, there's a big difference. There are plenty of articles that attribute some warming to natural causes, as there should be, but nobody has evidence that humans aren't impacting the climate.. You also mentioned how important it is to listen to scientists when they warn us, yet surely you know that almost all past scientific predictions of gloom and doom have been wrong. How can we trust scientists' predictions now?
He doesn't sound like much of a scientist to me, not with an argument like this.
3) I know you still must feel bad about the last presidential election being stolen from you, but why did you have to make fun of Republican presidents (Reagan; both Bushes) for their views on global warming? The points you made in the movie might have had wider appeal if you did not alienate so many moviegoers in this manner.
I'll steer clear of this one.
4) Your presentation showing the past 650,000 years of atmospheric temperature and carbon dioxide reconstructions from ice cores was very effective. But I assume you know that some scientists view the CO2 increases as the result of, rather than the cause of, past temperature increases. CO2 isn't seen as a GW trigger, it's seen as part of a feedback loop, hence the lag in CO2 and temp increases. This view actually fits in quite well with other natural causes of GW (which there are, no doubt), such as solar variation.It seems unlikely that CO2 variations have been the dominant cause of climate change for hundreds of thousands of yearsWhy not?. And now that there is a new source of carbon dioxide emissions (people), those old relationships are probably not valid anymore. Again, why not? This one really confuses me. Why would the impact of CO2 change just because humans are putting it into the atmosphere? Why did you give no hint of these alternative views?
He's making a lot of assumptions here that I simply don't understand.
5) When you recounted your 6-year-old son's tragic accident that nearly killed him, I thought that you were going to make the point that, if you had lived in a poor country like China or India, your son would have probably died. But then you later held up these countries as model examples for their low greenhouse gas emissions, without mentioning that the only reason their emissions were so low was because people in those countries are so poor. I'm you really want us to live like the poor people in India and China?
I see his point on this one, but at the same time, health care doesn't equal pollution. The only part I remember about this was when Gore showed that car emission standards in China are higher than here. Asia in general, really. That's why they're beating the pants off of Ford and other US car makers. The future of industry is green, and the US better realize this before we get left in the dust in other sectors.
6) There seems to be a lot of recent concern that more polar bears are drowning these days because of disappearing sea ice. I assume you know that polar bears have always migrated to land in late summer when sea ice naturally melts back, and then return to the ice when it re-freezes. Also, if this was really happening, why did the movie have to use a computer- generated animation of the poor polar bear swimming around looking for ice?
Haven't there been any actual observations of this happening? We knew there were giant squid in the ocean because they would wash up on shorelines too , but the first video of them alive was just recently captured. Did he doubt the existence of giant squid before the video was shot? Also, temperature measurements in the arctic suggest that it was just as warm there in the 1930's...before most greenhouse gas emissions. Don't you ever wonder whether sea ice concentrations back then were low, too?
The 30's were almost as warm, but short term variations in one part of the world don't mean much either way.
7) Why did you make it sound like simply signing on to the Kyoto Protocol to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions would be such a big step forward, when we already know it will have no measurable effect on global temperatures anyway? And even though it represents such a small emission reduction, the economic pain Kyoto causes means that almost no developed country will be meeting its emission reductions commitments under that treaty, as we are now witnessing in Europe.
Maybe if we all did it TOGETHER, like we were supposed to, the other countries wouldn't be as pressured to cheat in order to stay competitive with the US. But, again, look at the damage that was done to Japan's auto industry. Oh, wait, it was actually good for them. Not to mention all of the other benefits that come with reduced emissions.
8) At the end of the movie, you made it sound like we can mostly fix the global warming problem by conserving energy... you even claimed we can reduce our carbon emissions to zero. But I'm sure you know that this will only be possible with major technological advancements, including a probable return to nuclear power as an energy source.Nuclear power already is an energy source. New nuclear tech is pretty safe, but can you imagine all of the waste generated by all the plants needed to replace fossil fuels? That's not even feasible. We should invest more in fusion, not fission. Why did you not mention this need for technological advancement and nuclear power? I don't think Gore would object to technological advancement, but why is he trying to link nuclear power and tech advancement together? It's not the same thing. Is it because that would support the current (Republican) Administration's view? Mr. Gore, I think we can both agree that if it was relatively easy for mankind to stop emitting so much carbon dioxide, that we should do so.Why would he agree to reduce CO2 if it wasn't a problem?
You are a very smart person, so I can't understand why you left so many important points unmentioned, and you made it sound so easy. I wish you well in these efforts, and I hope that humanity will make the right choices based upon all of the information we have on the subject of global warming.
I agree with you that global warming is indeed a "moral issue," and if we are to avoid doing more harm than good with misguided governmental policies, we will need more politicians to be educated on the issue.Why would he call it a "moral issue" if he didn't believe humans were responsible? Something is awry.

Your "Good Friend,
Dr. Roy W. Spencer "
Everything in pretty colors is mine. Overall, the article is a weak "argument". Spencer's credentials are good, but his professional connections, which have been brought up, are suspect. Also, with risk of resorting to ad hominem, his rejection of evolution further illustrates his apparent tendency to reject science, and partially explains his stance on GW.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9478346#post9478346 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wlagarde
...and what would those alternatives be?

Sorry I thought everyone new what alternative energy source are.
Hydro, wind, solar, geo-thermal, wave, tidal and the best, fusion. There are plenty more that are out there as well. Some of these are very old technologies and some are fairly new. They all have pros and cons. They all need more research spent on them.
Ninong - sorry my previous comment was in response to scottras.

In that article it mentions the recently released international study that predicts that sea level will rise by seven to 23 inches by the end of this century. The article fails to make clear that that estimate is based on the volumetric increase in the ocean's waters due to rising temperature alone. It does NOT factor in melting glaciers and polar ice caps, nor does it factor in accelerated temperature increases due to the reduction in reflected sunlight from diminishing ice and snow cover.

In fact, estimates that include all of the possible factors affecting the rise in sea level predict a minimum rise of 3 to 5 feet by the year 2100 with the possibility of a much larger increase.

This is the type of prediction that I would think would have GW proponents screaming to switch towards nuclear energy asap. Only 93 years before all this happens? Now that isn't a very long time. Certainly not long enough to develop technology that doesn't exist (like fusion) and switch the world over to it. I'm sorry, I just don't see Los Angeles or New York being powered by windmills and solar panels. If you make cars 50% more efficient but the population increases 50% over the next 50 years well you really haven't reduced anything.

I'm not debating global warming. Honestly I'm not sure what to believe about it. The thing that doesn't make sense is to say that we have 93 years until the earth goes down the drain so let's not use an alternative energy source we already have instead let's take our time and see if we can invent something else.

If a guy is hanging off a cliff by his fingertips you don't say "Hey man, I could throw this rope I have around you and pull you up but you might get a rope burn so just hang on while I go invent some anti-gravity boots for you".

It doesn't make sense to me and makes me wonder if there isn't an agenda behind the GW camp other than the "science". So for now I'll just hope that the ability of science to predict the climate a hundred years from now is no more accurate than the ability of science to predict a really active hurricane season like last year or tto even tell me what the weather is going to be like in 2 weeks.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9480314#post9480314 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RichardS
This is the type of prediction that I would think would have GW proponents screaming to switch towards nuclear energy asap. Only 93 years before all this happens? Now that isn't a very long time. Certainly not long enough to develop technology that doesn't exist (like fusion) and switch the world over to it. I'm sorry, I just don't see Los Angeles or New York being powered by windmills and solar panels. If you make cars 50% more efficient but the population increases 50% over the next 50 years well you really haven't reduced anything.
You might be right. It might be better to build a bunch of power plants and hope nothing bad happens until another source of energy is found. I guess I'd rather have a nuclear waste disposal problem that might be solvable rather than a global ecological disaster that we can't reverse.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9480282#post9480282 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by scottras
Sorry I thought everyone new what alternative energy source are.
Hydro, wind, solar, geo-thermal, wave, tidal and the best, fusion. There are plenty more that are out there as well. Some of these are very old technologies and some are fairly new. They all have pros and cons. They all need more research spent on them.

Fusion is not a viable alternative. As for the other "alternatives", it is not possible to even close to meeting the worlds needs. Therefore I believe at best they can be called supplemental sources.
Re: Re: Interesting Commentary on Global Warming

Re: Re: Interesting Commentary on Global Warming

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9480018#post9480018 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by HippieSmell
Everything in pretty colors is mine. Overall, the article is a weak "argument". Spencer's credentials are good, but his professional connections, which have been brought up, are suspect. Also, with risk of resorting to ad hominem, his rejection of evolution further illustrates his apparent tendency to reject science, and partially explains his stance on GW.

Oh Hippie, you convinced me. I suggest we all form a lobby to place pressure on congress to introduce legislation to make reefkeeping illegal since it contributes the problem (if you wish we can throw in illeglaizing SUVs too). Interested?
Re: Re: Re: Interesting Commentary on Global Warming

Re: Re: Re: Interesting Commentary on Global Warming

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9481359#post9481359 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wlagarde
Oh Hippie, you convinced me. I suggest we all form a lobby to place pressure on congress to introduce legislation to make reefkeeping illegal since it contributes the problem (if you wish we can throw in illeglaizing SUVs too). Interested?
Ahhh, here we go again. You never debate me, at best you just resort to sarcasm. I'm waiting for you to resort to petty personal attacks (as if you know me) like you always do.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Interesting Commentary on Global Warming

Re: Re: Re: Re: Interesting Commentary on Global Warming

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9483146#post9483146 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by HippieSmell
Ahhh, here we go again. You never debate me, at best you just resort to sarcasm. I'm waiting for you to resort to petty personal attacks (as if you know me) like you always do.

HippieSmell - My comment was made simply to highlight the hypocrisy of the green crowd. They are willing to impose their beliefs on everyone BUT themselves unless it fits with their lifestyle. This is congruent with the way the democratic politicians are generous with everyone elses money BUT their own.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Interesting Commentary on Global Warming

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Interesting Commentary on Global Warming

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9484716#post9484716 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wlagarde
HippieSmell - My comment was made simply to highlight the hypocrisy of the green crowd. They are willing to impose their beliefs on everyone BUT themselves unless it fits with their lifestyle. This is congruent with the way the democratic politicians are generous with everyone elses money BUT their own.
Again, let me be clear since this is a difficult concept for you to grasp: you don't know me or what I do, so stop saying that I want to impose my beliefs on everyone but myself. Besides, they're not "beliefs", it's called science. Do you impose health care on your patients?

Besides, how is supporting alternative energy, reduced fossil fuel reliance, carbon limits, etc, hypocritical? Do you think there will be some sort of clause that exempts the "green crowd" if these policies are implemented? Give me a break.
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Interesting Commentary on Global Warming

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Interesting Commentary on Global Warming

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9485204#post9485204 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by HippieSmell
Again, let me be clear since this is a difficult concept for you to grasp: you don't know me or what I do, so stop saying that I want to impose my beliefs on everyone but myself. Besides, they're not "beliefs", it's called science. Do you impose health care on your patients?

Besides, how is supporting alternative energy, reduced fossil fuel reliance, carbon limits, etc, hypocritical? Do you think there will be some sort of clause that exempts the "green crowd" if these policies are implemented? Give me a break.

No, they would like to implement those things that are congruent with their agenda and lifestyle regardless of how it effects others. Now if we start talking about illegalizing reefkeeping...that wouldn't be OK because they like keeping reefs, i.e. it is OK to emit CO2 if reefkeeping is involved but if it is SUVs or their healthcare or their etc it's not OK - Give me a break.

Since this is difficult for you to grasp I will reiterate it: Tthe green crowd is willing to impose their beliefs on everyone BUT themselves unless it fits with their own lifestyle. This is congruent with the way the democratic politicians are generous with everyone else's money BUT their own.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Interesting Commentary on Global Warming

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Interesting Commentary on Global Warming

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9485648#post9485648 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wlagarde
No, they would like to implement those things that are congruent with their agenda and lifestyle regardless of how it effects others. Now if we start talking about illegalizing reefkeeping...that wouldn't be OK because they like keeping reefs, i.e. it is OK to emit CO2 if reefkeeping is involved but if it is SUVs or their healthcare or their etc it's not OK - Give me a break.

Since this is difficult for you to grasp I will reiterate it: Tthe green crowd is willing to impose their beliefs on everyone BUT themselves unless it fits with their own lifestyle. This is congruent with the way the democratic politicians are generous with everyone else's money BUT their own.
Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! Everyone knows that the green crowd are the WORST polluters. I'm sure there is plenty of evidence for that, not just blind prejudice. And I'm sure that if there was a clean energy source being used, the "greens" wouldn't use it just out of principle. I'm mean, they're all hypocrites, right? The policies that "greens" want implemented will impact them just as much as people like you, so it's not hypocritical. You think that the greens just want to make your life difficult? There is a reason for the way we feel, so it's not simply a lifestyle choice or unfounded agenda.

But, I have a reef, so I guess what I say doesn't mean anything:rolleye1: . I hope you never eat saturated fats, drink, smoke, etc. I mean, how could you without being a hypocrite? Get real.
Come on guys, cut the politics out or the thread will be locked just like all the others on climate change.

Re alternative power source, I absolutely agree, all thos power source I mentioned will not power a city nor will they make a large dent in the need for fossil fuels, at least straight away. But they can do in time. What I am suggesting is a steady switch over to power source with less environmental impact. I am sure nuclear may be a part of that, but it is too expensive and not clean enough to be the silver bullet. I cant see many developing countries being able to affor nuc power, and even the cost to completely convert to nuc would bankrupt most nations.

Alternative power sources have the advantage of being flexible to the local conditions. If we started adding supplemental power to the grid now then we are reducing the dependency on fossil fuels already.

Greater efficiency will also be reached when there is a demand for it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Interesting Commentary on Global Warming

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Interesting Commentary on Global Warming

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9485204#post9485204 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by HippieSmell
...Do you impose health care on your patients?

No, I don't. However, the democrats ARE attempting to do this.
Why do you always try to divide this argument up into political categories? Is it so you can convince yourself that it's ok to blow off issues that you don't have an argument for? Those comments will get this thread closed, BTW.

The point I was trying to make with the health care comment is that if science determines that a drug is harmful to people but still useful for certain ailments, what do you do? Do you believe that you should give the drug to a patient, or do you do something else? I'm not saying there is a right or wrong answer here, I'm just trying to point out the fact that you use your BRAIN, and use the available evidence to make a decision. The same thing can be said for CO2. It has been scientifically shown that too much CO2 is bad for the planet's ecology. But, fossil fuels give us many benefits. What do you do? I choose to find an alternative to fossil fuels, because I believe the science shows that the risks outweigh the benefits, as a whole. It isn't an issue that can be reduced to the simple arguments you give such as "it's just a bunch of liberal hypocrites that want to make our lives miserable".
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9487899#post9487899 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by HippieSmell
Why do you always try to divide this argument up into political categories? Is it so you can convince yourself that it's ok to blow off issues that you don't have an argument for? Those comments will get this thread closed, BTW.

The point I was trying to make with the health care comment is that if science determines that a drug is harmful to people but still useful for certain ailments, what do you do? Do you believe that you should give the drug to a patient, or do you do something else? I'm not saying there is a right or wrong answer here, I'm just trying to point out the fact that you use your BRAIN, and use the available evidence to make a decision. The same thing can be said for CO2. It has been scientifically shown that too much CO2 is bad for the planet's ecology. But, fossil fuels give us many benefits. What do you do? I choose to find an alternative to fossil fuels, because I believe the science shows that the risks outweigh the benefits, as a whole. It isn't an issue that can be reduced to the simple arguments you give such as "it's just a bunch of liberal hypocrites that want to make our lives miserable".

Hippie - No who's resorting to personal attacks here? I simply have come to a different conclusion. Science has NOT proven CO2 CAUSES GW. It has simply established a CORRELATION.

Remember, the number one adverse event for almost any drug is headache. Is this because all of these drugs CAUSE headaches? - NO. While SOME drugs do cause headaches others do not. For the drugs that do not cause HAs why is HA listed as an AE? The reason is because HA are common and by chance happened to occur concurrently with administration of these drugs. This does not imply causality. Of course we've been here before and I think it is a moot point to discuss this with you further.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9488087#post9488087 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wlagarde
Hippie - No who's resorting to personal attacks here? I simply have come to a different conclusion. Science has NOT proven CO2 CAUSES GW. It has simply established a CORRELATION.
You're right, we have been here before, and nothing changes. You still believe that climate science needs to be "proven", while we both know that isn't possible and doesn't imply the conclusions are wrong. Your entire field is chock full of scenarios like this, so I find it hard to believe you don't understand it, you just have preconceptions that you refuse to acknowledge. I suggest you read sources covering GW that you don't normally read or agree with. I do it all the time, that's why your arguments frustrate me so much.
This Winter Was the Warmest on Record Worldwide

WASHINGTON - This winter was the warmest on record worldwide, the U.S. government said Thursday in the latest worrisome report focusing on changing climate.

The report comes just over a month after the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said global warming is very likely caused by human actions and is so severe it will continue for centuries.

As for this winter, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said the combined land and ocean temperatures for December through February were 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit above average for the period since record keeping began in 1880.

The report said that during the past century, global temperatures have increased at about 0.11 degrees per decade. But that increase has been three times larger since 1976, NOAA's National Climatic Data Center reported.

You can read the rest here.
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