Is it Zoanthid Pox?


New member
Just bought my first coral.
The tank is 20 G fully cycled with 20 lb DIY LR seeded with 3 lb cured LR.
Barebottom Tank with no skimmer.And No lights (the 150 W 20K HQI I bought was acting weird so I gave it back and waiting for the new one to arrive).
No fish,no other critter.
The polyps were fine in LFS and there was nothing wrong with them for the first night on the 2nd day thay started to turn white and now this


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Slow drip acclimation followed.
And there is no lightening,My MH haven't arrived yet.There was a worm on one colony so I removed it and did a freshwater dip for five minutes(couldn't find logul's).The left colony was starting to get covered in white tissue like substance which when I tried to remove with help of a tweezer came off easily.They stink too.But Tank water isnt smelling bad.
Couldn't get a better picture with my cell without lights.So may be I ll post a pic in two days or so.The coral come super cheap so I wont mind losing it.But I dont want to crash my tank before even it get started.
why did you drip acclimate? it's not like a fish or invert. All you have to do is float it for a while till the water in the bag matches the tank waters temp. Dip the corals in lugols/tmpcc/revive or same type dips, then place in QT/or main tank. bottom of the tank till corals get acclimated to the tank lighting.

if it stinks really bad, a bunch has probly died or is dying already. I take it this is a wild colony.
I dont know why I drip acclimated them,may be because thats my first coral ever.
I dont have any type of lightening on tank at the moment.
The problem is I dont have any spare lights at the moment.ll 6700 K CFLs work ?
I might put 2x25 W 6700 K CFLs till my MH arrives.How long they can go without light ?
are you talking about reg CFL house bulbs???? if so I guess that's ok till you get it tommorrow, but remember to acclimate the corals to the new MH when they come in.
This is what my one of my Zoa colonies look like.


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No that white thing(my guess is fungus) is growing over the colony.Its a tissue paper like substance covering my colony.
ll logul's dip help it ?
Or should i use H2O2 dip ?
Have you used a very very soft tooth brush to gently brush it off? or on a separate bucket use a power head to blow it off?
I've gotten that before it's a think powdery film on them..? Have you tried dipping them in a small bucket or large cup. 10% Hydrogen Peroxide and 90% RODI. Leave them there for 5mins, then brush off the film. let rest for a day then do this again on the 3rd day. repeat process again. basically at least 3 treatments. You can probably add lugols to that dip process.

Important: Make sure the RODI's pH and temp that your using for your dip are matched to your tanks.

This happened to a bunch of my deepwater zoos a long while back.