Is my 120g too small for my blue throat trigger ?


New member
I bought a 3.5" male about 2-3 months ago and he never swims around. He stays on one side(really only the farthest 12")*except for food time....usually going back and forth like it is stressed?
The other fish in tank are a 3" Y.Tang, a 2" lawnmower blennie, a 2" yellow w.goby and 2-2" green chromis.

Params in check and stable:
ph 8.2
calc. 400
dkh 9
mag 1400
trate 0
trite 0
ammonia 0
po4 undetectable
*except for food time

Is this just not a big enough home? i'm concerned.
he is healthy, always eating(a good diet), has beautiful color, and has never shown any signs of illness......yet he paces like he is stressed &, or depressed?
he could be getting picked on

hows the tang around him?

try and observe while not being so close to the tank. and with lower lights

how much rock do you have? triggers tend to like a lot of rock, makes them feel safe.
Yes, give your trigger lots of live rock?
Maybe change the rockscape you have right before the lights go off?
Make sure the tang isnt bullying?
The tank is definitely big enough.
and finally, triggers are like people(to the highest degree a fish could be like a person), they show emotion!!
Dont be too worryed. The only trigger i ever owned was a little overemotional and hypersensitive as well and he did fine and he had an eel as a tankmate.