Is there a use for waterchange water?

I use my old seawater in my LR "QT/development" tank. I recently upgraded to a 165g (from 70), and didn't have nearly enough LR for the new setup, AND didn't want to pay the $1000 CAD it would cost me to add 100 lbs of LR, so I decided to "make" my own by seeding cheap local tufa. Setup has been working well, and I've been able to harvest about 1 lb/2 weeks -- all of which goes directly into the sump.

My seawater cycle, in other words, is display -- > LR ---> onto the lilac stump that I'm trying to kill in the backyard. :D
Well salt is ok to a certain degree for your car. I mean take soft water for example it's "salty".
I suggest donating it to your local college or high school microbiology or biology class for studying the bacteria that may be in it well that are in it...... Just a thought.
Salt corrodes metal. less is not as bad as more, but salt is bad for anything made of steel.

Donating your used salt water to a school is not a bad idea, but when I'm on schedule (I've slipped lately), I change 100 gallons a week. There is no way I'm dragging 100 gallons of dirty salt water around once a week (what if it spilled in my car? now I'm dealing with a wet, musty smelling rusting car!) There are also more Reefers near me than schools that I know of. It would be a very short time before all schools in the area had more dirty salt water to test than they knew what to do with. It might work in areas where we (marine tank keepers) are more spread out. There would still be that whole dragging it around thing though.
I use the old water from my sps/lps/zoa tank in my softie tank.

I use old softie tank water for curing rock.

I've also used diluted reef tank water for my brackish puffer tank.
I think some people in this world need to lighten up. Usually the smiley face would give most people a hint........ secondly im sure most people would know better than to use salt water for washing a car. I also think that if people are going to get chewed out for making jokes the person that made the seasalt for food joke should be chewed out even more, since that could potentally be dangerous to your health. Am i the only one that thinks its a little odd that if someone with 1950 posts makes a joke its ok but if someone with 120 something posts does then they get bashed for it??

also the water may be used again in carwashes, im not sure, but i know that even if it is the rinse water either isnt or is cleaned first. think about it. If it was all the same water then the rinse water would be soapy and that wouldnt rinse very well would it.
soft water is not salty.

our flower beds enjoy the splash of 20ish gallons of dirty saltwater/week. they also get the waste water from the rodi.
Have you guys tried a Python? Your attach it to your faucet & it sucks the water out of your tank & down the drain - no buckets needed - of course you can't recycle it that way - but so far there haven't been very many solutions to the recycling anyway
My great aunt has a problem with hard water. Know what they do to treat it? it runs though a large container of salt. That is where the soft water is salty comment most likely came from. Im not sure one way or the other, but i know her water tastes nasty :p
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6765689#post6765689 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralights
when you do the first water change after setting up this tank ... put the waste water into it ....... and the second time you do a water change ... use the water in this tank to replacie what you removeand put the "new" old water into the live rock tank ..... suffice it to say that keeping the exchange water tank healthy is very important (but easy) even to the extent of adding supplements ...

Call me an airhead, but I don't think I understand... Do you mean instead of throwing any waste water away, you just switch it back and forth between the two tanks? Do you never put freshly made saltwater in your display tank?
im not sure how well this would work, but what if you put it in a large container, no live rock, perhaps plants (make it kind of like a refugium), but nothing else. Then hook up a protien skimmer and/or other filtration system and clean the water up. Kind of like the posts with the live rock water switching, but without trying to make a second tank.
My sons science fair project involved watering with saltwater on one set of bean seeds. The poor seeds, though they had thick stems couldn't find "up". Don't put it on beans.:lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6880852#post6880852 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by piranhaking
My great aunt has a problem with hard water. Know what they do to treat it? it runs though a large container of salt. That is where the soft water is salty comment most likely came from. Im not sure one way or the other, but i know her water tastes nasty :p

Water softeners don't run water through salt. They run water through an ion exchange resin. It uses the salt to make a salt brine, which is used to recharge the ion exchange resin. Granted it does add sodium molecules to the water in the exchange, but it is a huge misconception that adding salt to water softens it. If that were true, our tanks would have very soft water :)