Is there a thread or website I can read up about this Blu Coral Method?
I understand the use of the Pappone Recipe. Extra fine nutrition for your corals and bacteria, so they won't ever go hungry = the food and the bacteria will help for color development.
The part I don't get is the use of high Ca, KH and Ma levels. Is this to speed up growth? or is it having the KH high in order to help the system cope with the extra nutrients from the Pappone?
I also understand that having your SG on 1.026 will get your skimmer working at it's optimum capacity. So this would quickin the nutrient turnover.
I find my skimmer works 10X better at 1.025 - 1.026. But keeping the KH at 11 or more (wait, I can't get to 11 anyway) would be quite difficult with a Ca of 500. The extra Magnesium should stabilise this I guess. I just wanted to get my head around all this.
Are you gonna run this system completely with this method or will you be using some ZEOvit additives for color? Like the AA for example.