Isla Escondido - invincible569's Rimless 300g

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9522661#post9522661 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dudester
I read this entire thread last night until 2 a.m., as I am probably going to join "Club Rimless" for a new home reef tank. I'm not yet sold on a size, but I came up with the exact dimensions as yours even before reading this thread. Guess it's a Texas thing. At any rate, I'm a little hesitant to do this since I'm rather slight (read "short"). I don't know how tall you are, but if you're having problems accessing all areas of the tank then I almost assuredly will as well. I have a few questions:

1. Anything you would change, size-wise, to make the central regions more accessible, or are you content with the current dimensions?

2. Did you consider an external overflow, as I know that AGE makes a very nice one (they made my office 450 and it has an ext. overflow)?

3. I may have missed this during the late hour of the night, but I believe your sump/equipment is in the garage. If so, do you have a pic of how the plumbing connects to the reef, or is it as simple as having a few holes in the wall behind the tank?

4. I asked naka this question on his thread, but do you think you could achieve the results you want with your reef by having all of your supporting equipment within the cabinet below, or is this unreasonable for a setup like yours?

5. What provisions did you make to supply adequate electricity, and do you have a generator or other backup supply?

Sorry to have so many questions, and I will likely have more in the future, but you have done a wonderful job on your setup and I like to use the best ideas out there since I'm incapable of original thought ;) .

Dudester, you need to represent Austin with a rimless tank! :) I say go for it!

1. Im very content. Wouldnt change a thing. Sometimes you have to pay the price to look nice. It may be more of a challenge, but it looks better.

2. No External overflow needed with 40". My goal was to cover it up with my aquascape. Instead of a flat back, it would give my aquascape the 3d look by rockscaping around it. Also, an external overflow would create more stress as it hangs on the back. With a rimless design of that size, i wouldnt recommend it.

3. No pics of the garage. its a mess back there right now. I plan to clean it up very nicely once I get everything setup in the front. I've made some changes here and there on where things will go and thats why I didnt set anything out in the garage permanently yet. It is a simple hole in the wall. About 6x6 is the hole size.

4. You can definitely have all of your equipment below. The only reason I chose to have it in the garage was for ease of use, no spills, no smells, etc.

5. I have 2 20 amp circuits. I also have APC backup units for powerhead and pump continuity. No generator. :)
I believe that Holocanthus Africanus is shaped like a queen angel, yellow trim, white body and sorta greyish face. If the gods are really smiling on me, they will really bring in African AND not just Africanus but also Kingii. But the only thing that I heard was Africanus.
What an inspiration!! I can't wait till I have the room and resources to have a tank half this nice. Well done!! It'll be spectacular I'm sure once you get your lights and corals in there.
Chuck, I was thinking of the Clarion. :) Looks similiar, but not colorwise.

nugz. thank you so much.

Now you see how small the Vermiculated Angel is? He's a baby, not a juvi. ;) He's been picking on the rocks 24/7. All angels have not picked on any corals as of yet.

Ed, Angel babies are the darn cutest things in the world. I absolutely fell in love with my hybrid angel babies, they were the size of a nickle...if that. My pair are nipping ever so lightly on a variety of things but nothing seems to care at this point. Part of the deal. Great finds. I can't wait to see what other goodies you find as time goes on.
Alicia, This angel is the size of a quarter. Did you have any issues with your eating frozen foods in the beginning? I wouldnt be worried about the nipping. :)

Well my Pacfic Coast chiller came in just in time. Today was finally a hot day in Houston. The only thing that dissapointed me was that I wanted to purchase an american made chiller. Looking at the side, it looks like its made in China especially with the Chinese writing. I researched this chiller and never read anything about this. Hopefully it wont fail on me, but thats why I want to get a second one for backup.

The panned out picture of your Vermiculated Angel, with the rocks, and your spot, looks sweet!

I'm excited that you got your chiller. I know a lot of us are excited for you to get your main lighting up.
Pacific Coast Imports seems to be a good company and takes care of customers. I had to send a chiller back after about a year, they sent a new one which UPS broke and sent another replacement at their cost. Recently had to get a new impeller for a Gen-X. They have sent out 2 now and always spend time on the phone talking through issues.

However, they are importers. Most of the product comes from overseas and is subject to industry wide QC issues. So, although they are in Oregon their product may not be made here in the USA. A+ for customer service though.
Always nice to have a back up. If money flowed like water at my place I would of bought a backup fixture :D . Or I could of saved a bunch of money and mounted a bunch of stuff to a piece of plywood :eek2: . Not real funny :( That's what I had going on my QT tank :)

I thought pacific coast and jbj chillers were manufactured in china and distributed by USA company, that is why I went with tradewind. which they manufacture chillers only and made in USA and not 100 different accessories like other company but I heard a lot of great reviews on those chillers. looking good and hope everything works out the best for you
Bill, thank you. Im excited too. Any day now and my core lights will be here.

tanya, thanks for the reassurance. I've read nothing but great reviews on it so I am not that worried. I plan to put the chiller in the utility room all by itself. I have this room well ventilated. Is yours under your stand?

Bigeasy, thats what I wanted to hear. The service makes or breaks a deal with me. :) Thats why I like to put out the extra cash up front and not worry about getting shafted later down the road. :)

Chad, what's going on with your light situation? Still 2 out of 3 bulb activity?

cbui, im over it now. :) As long as these guys stand by their product, everything should be ok. Thanks Cbui
yep, 2 out of the 3 MH's. I'm supposed to get replacement parts next week. I'm not running it again until I get the parts.

Can't wait to see what you got cooked up for lighting


Ed, my guys were the captive bred angels from RCT so Frank raised them on pellets, spirulina flake, and a homemade angel frozen formula of goodies all mushed up so they loved to eat from the beginning. They chow down on whatever I throw at them. Is your little guy eating yet? I found thebaby angels definately liked the arctic pods and the pellets when they were really little. Probably the pellets because that is what Frank fed them from an early age but I think they liked the arctic pods because of the taste and the pods were tiny for them. I notice they have always gone for the smaller pieces of food during feeding times, completely avoiding any large pieces of food like a large piece of Spirulina flake or a whole mysis shrimp. They want the little torn up and miniscule pieces. If you can find the Arctic Pods give it a try. It really illicits a feeding response in everything I have, lps and fish :).
Chad, you're gonna love the new light. I cant wait. Its one of those things that will make this tank look very nice. I also got another little surprise coming that was at the international show recently.

Alicia, he hasnt shown interest yet on any foods I feed. Im trying everything. He's so busy nipping on the rocks. Thats all he does. Maybe I should add some sponge since that is his regular diet in the wild. He can be fattened up a bit. Very active angel thats for sure. I just bought some formula 2 with garlic that naka recommended. We will see if that helps any. Im glad to hear yours are doing very well. Where did you get your Arctics Pods from?
I read the thread yesterday and then subscribed and all I have to say besides what others have said and I agree with, is that you are being cruel on the lights - As one who is changing daily regarding lights (looking at elos, infinity,etc) I can't wait much longer.
Hey Edward,

Do you have Rod's Food Available anywhere around you?

I had a tuff time getting my Regal to eat but she finally gave into that.

She also liked the bottled "Macro-Feast" by Reef Nutrition.
Hey Edward,

Try the "clam trick", get fresh clams and split them open, dump the juice and throw them in the tank. The angel should start to eat that and then learn to eat the foods you see.

It has worked for me all the time ;). That's how I got my bandit angel to eat :).

You can also use mussels. I have found some fish like clams and others like mussels....and this does not mean they will eat clams in your tank like maxima's and so on.

I have 4 maxima's in my tank and have used the "clam trick" many times and they will not look at the maxima's in my tank.

Hey Ed I do not have mine under the stand mine is actually plumbed to the outside of my house which my husband drilled through the house and built a housing for it
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