Isla Escondido - invincible569's Rimless 300g

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9620652#post9620652 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dudester
Do you have a diagram or description of how to plumb a chiller into the closed loop? I didn't use a chiller on my current tank, but I'll have one on my next tank (I just ordered it :) ) and I'm trying to figure out how to plumb it in. Thanks.

FYI Edward, I took your advice and I'll be representing Austin in the Rimless Society.

texans argghhhhhh you and your rimless wonders :)
Dudester, that is great news!! What size did you end up getting? Way to represent texas. :)

I was messing around with my underwater camera. Thought I would try a half water and half air shot. Came out ok.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9620908#post9620908 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by GSMguy
texans argghhhhhh you and your rimless wonders :)

dgasmd, my question was directed to both you and invincible; thanks for the info.

incincible - I went with 60 x 30 x 26, 203 gallons, built by A&GE. But enough about me, more about your project please!
Hey Naka,

Where are you getting all that beautiful collection of corals?

they are great !!!!

Very beautiful tank, and very beautiful collection of corals !!!
Alberto, it seems as if you jinxed me! Im having the same issue with the chiller coming off & on every 5 minutes now. I tried increasing flow thinking that the water flow in the chiller was becoming stagnant, but it would still shut off when it gets to 78 and then, 5 minutes later it changes to 79 and comes on again. If its not a flow problem, then its a design problem of the chiller, no?

Im not too happy right now.. has anyone else stumbled across this same chiller issue? Any tips?
I had a Pacific Coast chiller with a similar problem before, my chiller was a smaller model but that shouldn't matter. I figured out that the thermostat on the chiller was a bit off. I tested my temperature with about 4 or 5 (different brands) different thermometers and all would be at 78 degrees, the chiller was set to turn on at 80 degrees yet it was always on, so i figured it out. The chillers thermostat was off by 2 degrees. So I set the chiller to turn on at 82 degrees and that solved my problem. I only ran the chiller as a safeguard, in reality i didn't even need it. I run my tanks at 78-80 degrees. I also bench tested the chiller several times to make sure that it would turn on at 80(82) degrees. and it never failed. hope that helps .

BTW My chiller had the same problem you had with the fan at the beginning, it seems to be a common issues, or something that happens during shipping.

dedicated sequence 4500seq on my CL for chiller tradewind 1.5hp, have about 13' run and keep it low to ground so no head pressure will be lost, 1.5" plumbing and at the end before chiller gate valve were installed to dial flow down if needed, and in my sump for intake side have installed black foam media to keep debris entering chiller to reduce build up.
Invince, Look in that little thingy that came with your chiller, you know, the instructions. You can adjust the measured temp if it needs to be calibrated, and you can set the differential of the system water. 2, 3, and 4 degrees before the chiller comes on I believe are your options. Mine was reading about 2 degrees warmer than actual tank temp when I got it. I have it set for 78 degrees with a 2 degree differential. Comes on at 80, cools to 78 and shuts off. On my 340 gallons with 3-400 watt mh's, it runs every couple of hours for about 15 minutes. I flow ~1000 gph through it. Same chiller if I failed to mention that. Mine has been perfect for ~2 years now.

Sorry if you already knew all this.

Thanks tanya and cbui for additional tips. Very helpful!

Marshall, i didnt know all of that. Thanks for explaining. I changed it to 2 degrees lower. How were you able to set it to come on at a 2 degree differential? I didnt see this in the instruction manual. That would probably be my answer.
I'll have to look it up again. I haven't messed with mine since I set it up initially. IIRC, the set-up button (lower left?) when you hold it down will start flashing, push it once and it flashes "d", push it again and if flashes "pd". I believe the "d" is differential, I've forgotten what the "pd" stands for.

Marshall, I got in contact with Pacific Coast Imports and they said that if my temp changes that quick then its definitely a flow issue. Therefore, I just ordered me a 1500g pump to flow through this chiller. He said I will automatically loose 10' of head and I need to calculate this in. Jason was very knowledgeable and also explained to me the procedure for resetting the temp, but also changing the difference which is what I am after by changing the factory setting from 2 to 4. Thanks for the help.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9631535#post9631535 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by invincible569
Alberto, it seems as if you jinxed me! Im having the same issue with the chiller coming off & on every 5 minutes now. I tried increasing flow thinking that the water flow in the chiller was becoming stagnant, but it would still shut off when it gets to 78 and then, 5 minutes later it changes to 79 and comes on again. If its not a flow problem, then its a design problem of the chiller, no?

Im not too happy right now.. has anyone else stumbled across this same chiller issue? Any tips?

Sorry buddy. They told me and everyone I know with the same issue that it was not enough flow. I had a Sequence 5800 (5800 gph) pump feeding the chiller with plumbing upsized to 2" diameter and the said it was lack of enough flow all the way until the chiller croaked for the last time. By the way, the chiller requires about 2000-3000 gph:eek2: :mad2: :eek2:

I personally think this issue is not a flow issue as much as a design issue, but I may not know much about this stuff:

-The heat exchangers on those chillers are tiny in relation to the capacity of the chiller itself. Every other 2 HP chiller I ever saw had huge exchangers compared to mine.
-The temp probe for the chiller is located in an odd place. I think the flickering of the temp probe and its location causes a lot of temp swings that make the chiller come on and off all the time.
-the inlet an outlets of these exchangers are rater small for the capacity of the chillers.
-the come with a very poor controller/electronic board.

Like I said before:

I have worked with quite a few chillers (Aquanetics being the worst for me). Universal Marine Industries was one of the best models I used- we had a bunch of them, up to 5HP, and as low as maybe 3/4HP.

Most chillers have undersized plumbing ports for the flow they require. This can be an issue when they are plumbed inline with other items or on a closed loop such as yours. They restrict the whole line. What size ports are on yours?

UMIs chillers work great and are built tough. UMI makes commercial systems, lobster and seafood store displays, and large chillers for coldwater systems. (Most all of our displays were 56 deg) They all had 2" plumbing and flanges to get to the coils for cleaning.

Your condenser fan may be out of balance now that it has been bent, so try to measure the other blades clearances and bend it in tune with the others. Keep the coil clean, the fan motor lubed, and the connections tight. 86 the chiller cover for better heat removal, as long as it does not act as a duct.

You can also add a second thermostat to say, the sump, and use thesupplied Tstat for freeze protection. This way it is reading and running off of the general system temperature, not the evaporator barrel temperature.

Periodically check the suction line temperature leaving the evaporator. It should be nice and cool, but not freezing. Many chiller compressors require this cool gas to aid compressor cooling. You should be able to touch your compressor housing, but the discharge line will be HOT. After the condenser, the liquid line should be warm, but not hot (this is the line from the condenser to the metering device feeding the evaporator).

Alberto, Sorry to hear about all your problems!
Wow, I am glad I live in Nor Cal and don't need a chiller...of course my tank is tiny compared to yours. I suppose if I went huge I would have to have a chiller and then I would have to deal with all these issues. Seems like a big PITA :(. Sorry for your troubles Ed.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9650154#post9650154 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by slojmn
Wow, I am glad I live in Nor Cal and don't need a chiller...of course my tank is tiny compared to yours. I suppose if I went huge I would have to have a chiller and then I would have to deal with all these issues. Seems like a big PITA :(. Sorry for your troubles Ed.

until i read this thread i thought chillers were simple now i know when i need one i will have to reasearch my butt off :( hope it all works out and the lights get installed :)
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