Treg, it is Tonga Nuku Fusion. It reminds me of a deep water theme. Each rock is very different. There should be some more pics of the rock throughout the pages in this thread. If not, I can find some for you if you want to see more? The big rock sitting alone is Ultra Fiji. Overall, I have 2 rocks that are Ultra fiji. .that one big one and the long one that comes out at the very right. Everything else is Tonga. I got to hand pick the Tonga at a LFS in which my friend Kevin runs.
Geoff, sorry, I did not see it. The reason for this is that AGE still resides in Dallas which is Tommy who builds the tanks. AE is the company that does maintenance and design. Fish Gallery is the new name for Village Tropical which is now the storefront for supplies and livestock. Both Village and AE have moved into Fish Gallery, except AE never changed names. AE has offices downstairs and upstairs in this new big building of theirs. Those new tanks were built in Dallas and delivered to Houston's Fish Gallery. Hope I didnt confuse you.