January Meeting - Mon 1/15


New member
Hello and Happy New Year Everyone! Our January meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 15 @ 7PM at the Newark Library. We will have an open discussion forum, raffle prizes, and snacks. Hope to see everyone there - Mary
Ted- I will bring a frag or two of the xenia if you still want it. By the way, how'd that cabbage work out?

Jon- Are you ready for the eel?

Anyone else- Interested in a purple candleabra gorg?

WooHoo Meeting!

Joe I may be able to attend this coming meeting for a change due to a holiday at school.

I'd definitely be interested in some purple Gorg if you'd be willing to take a few baby shrooms off my hands ;) ?
wds-absolutely, I'll bring him along. I do enjoy the 'shrooms! It's really a nice piece, just not working out with my sub-par husbandry hehehe

Jon- Let me know, I will bring a couple of pcs of live rock too, not enough for the tank, but it will be a start. His favorite is about the size of a volleyball, and I'll throw in one or two others to get you moving. I don't know what I'm gonna do with the tank once he's gone, I'm thinking about a seahorse tank. We'll see. Anyhoo, keep me posted!

Cool, everybody bring your frags!!! I'm planning to bring some easy stuff if any of the newbies are into it: capnella, sarcophyton, orange montipora, we'll see what else I can dig up. I'm thinking about just tearing the tank down and starting fresh after I move.
I can frag an heirloom of some kinda thin green branching acro i got as a frag from our former VP MadTownMax,( now in Milwaukee ), its a fast grower.. perhaps some others too.

I can grab some blue Zoos if anyone is interested (fast growers). Also might have some limited numbers of baby blue shrooms that I have been cutting and regrowing....

Ive been looking for a green monti frag if anyone might one thats getting out of controll...
I can try to make it maybe... I have exams that week and I possibly have mono or some other kind of sickness, waiting on bloodwork((I swear I haven't been kissing anyone really haha)).

But if I do go I won't have anything to trade, sorry haha.
Hello all, I am new to this forum, and pretty much the hobby. I have been lurking around for about a month now waiting for the next meeting.

Everyone is talking about bringing frags to trade, do you guys ever sel any of them to those of us who don't have anything to trade?

I only have a couple small pieces of things now, but would love the opportunity to expand my collection, just don't have anything to trade for, but would be willing to buy some small pieces.

Just curious, thanks for looking.
Well, I'm not interested in anything to trade, since my tank will be coming down soon, & I'll gladly give away any of the frags that I'm bringing this month. Ken and I had talked about loose frags just going into the raffle. How bout if anyone brings a frag to donate to the raffle they get a free raffle ticket?


Oh, yeah, and it's membership renewal time for almost everybody. We have a few new policies this year.
1. Dues are cut in half. So regular = $10, student = $5, family = $15.
2. Annual renewal for everyone is 1yr from the last time dues were paid. For most everyone, this will be Jan since we always used to collect all dues in the first month. But for anyone who joined later in the past year, no dues will be collected until your 'anniversary' month.
May actually have something to trade!!

May actually have something to trade!!

Does anyone think it would be worth bring a Curly Q anemone to trade?
Eric I'm definitely interested in some blue zoas and or shrooms. Blues of anything are my achilles heel lol. I don't have a green monti but I can offer you a frag of green hydnophora? Or a frag of Galaxia coral?

cd since your also a hockey fan I'll be happy to donate a small frag of fluorescent green hydnophora to you :). No trade necessary, it's a freebie.

The 'shrooms Joe will be some of my best ones so be prepared to brighten your tank up some. I mean eventually when they begin growing out lol. Green with the large face (raised) stripes. Also a single super fluorescent green shroom as well.
wds-sounds great! I've got some purple shrooms now, and I've been looking for some other colors

Ted- Will you be at the meeting? If so, I'll take care of the refractometer and heater with you then. If not, I can come up any day this week.

I should be there ... fightin off a killer sore throat right now, but I hope to be mended by then.

- ted
Can't make it this month but will be there in feburary. Have been watching from the side lines for a couple of months and can't wait to make it to a meeting. Al
It was a real pleasure meeting a few new faces and also great to see some familiar ones as well.
I may have jumped the gun on the trades which in turn ruined the raffle. I apologize for that.
I was surprised to see some new pieces though. Thanks for the Leather Mary, I'm hoping it will grow as big as you say.
Also much thanks to Firecracker Bob for the Blues, ah my fix lol. They're both acclimating fine.
This was my first offering of frags and I hope anyone who got them has as much success with them as I've had.
The 'shrooms are slow to start but be patient :), you'll be rewarded.
Fun meeting tonight!
I'm sorry Flu season took it's toll on those of you who couldn't make it. Feel better for next month on the tour. But still, good conversations, sharing info on current projects and problems and lots of fun. It was good to see some new faces there tonight. Thanks for sharing, everyone!
There were lots of free frags exchanged tonight. If anyone has a question on how to mount or care for the ones from me , feel free to ask. they all grow like crazy under just VHO.