Japanese - sumthing, sumthing (pics)


You're unlikely to find a site in Japan which is in English and I can tell you (from my own experience) that, even including shipping, you're still likely to pay less for equipment if you ship it from the States. I get most of my equipment from Marine Depot!

If you do manage to find someone to help with Japanese, this is the equipment page of my local LFS' website. Equipment there is expensive, but they know their stuff.


Thanks Tom! You information is very helpful. Looks like the USAââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¦

Jut out of curiosity, do you use 110v in Japan??

Cheers Josh

And do you have a pic of your tank??
check out this equiptment 6 dosing pumps , wow
How to confuse a hippie...

Show them the beautiful ecosystem that you are recreating in your living room and show them how you are aquaculturing pieces that are rare in the wild to help porpagate mother nature.


Show them the fish room like the one rollinreefer posted and tell them you spend $800/mo in electricity and topoff 5 gallons of water a day through a filtration device that only has 25% efficiency, etc. etc. etc. :lol:
burntom said:

If you do manage to find someone to help with Japanese, this is the equipment page of my local LFS' website. Equipment there is expensive, but they know their stuff.



TOm, you should ask the LFS to put some pics up of his products. Some of the items on there we have no clue of what it is. A pic would be a good representation of what we are looking for. Thanks!!
invincible569 said:
TOm, you should ask the LFS to put some pics up of his products. Some of the items on there we have no clue of what it is. A pic would be a good representation of what we are looking for. Thanks!!

Yeah that would be great! there is a HUGE market of buyers.
Hi there

This LFS does have pics of some of the eqpt (some of the categories have links to pics) also all the corals/inverts and fish are updated on a weekly basis.

This is by far and away the best shop in Tokyo for both fish and eqpt. Other shops mentioned on this thread are, lets just say, not quite so ethical in their collection of inverts and that has always put me off buying from them.

Anyway, to navigate the site better, I have translated the Japanese on the tabs:

Ã"¦Ã‚ ÃƒÂ­Ã¢â"šÂ¬Ã‚¹ÃƒÂ¯ - Eqpt
ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“Ã"šÃ‚³?Ã’ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢ÃƒÆ’… - Inverts
ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œÃƒÆ’ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚°Ã"šÃ‚¿?îââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢ÃƒÂ± - Sale information

Any q's just dop Tom or I a line,

Might mention to the owner about having English on the website (although would probably end up having to do it ourselves!)

Matt, that would be a tremendous help!! Please do ask if they can have it in English and if they are willing to ship out to the U.S. We need a Japanese distro here. :)
Are there any good LFS in Tokyo near Narita airport? I go to Ojiya city every year to buy nishikigoi and I usually stay in Tokyo for a couple of days before I leave, it would be cool to see some LFS (I did go to one in Hiroshima and one in Osaka).
Hey guys also be careful when buying imported equip. Just because its German made or Japanese doesn't mean its good. I have a friend whom went to the trade show in Japan and she said that allot of the stuff was junk. it looked really cool but it was made poorly.
Just my 2 cents
we have the same stuff here in the states it just doesn't look sleek and modern a cool.
But that's not to say they don't have quality product as well I'm running an aqua medic mini space light and love it, and I'm looking to upgrade to giesemann fixture http://www.giesemannlicht.com/page.php?page=home
cam barr
invincible569 said:
Matt, that would be a tremendous help!! Please do ask if they can have it in English and if they are willing to ship out to the U.S. We need a Japanese distro here. :)

Ditto Australia! i know some people who may be interested...
