JapanReef - 450 gallon In-Wall system

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Okay, few terrible photos to post. Please remember I have no functioning digital camera at the moment and that I take pics with a normal camera and scan them in. Hence I have no idea how they are going to come out until they are done. A decent camera is next on my list of major purchases though (after a tank controller).

Here's a bad pic of the sump. Was my intention to show how the middle was lit and either side was dark... Anyhow, top left is the intake, bottom left is the output to skimmer. The skimmer returns to the baffle into the fuge to avoid skimming water twice on one pass). Fuge in the middle with shadow box on top, then what will be the prop section on the far right (with unused CL fittings). Return section is at the back and houses a heater at the moment and I'll be hooking up the phosban reactors later and putting the powerhead to run them in there too.


Looking down over the fuge. an just about make out the two light hoods that are sat in there.


Here is my old 50g now being used for QT:


Front shot. As you can, only had enough rock to cover a quarter of one of those racks.

Not sure if any of you are familiar with Christian Riese Lassen (marine artist)? I've have been in love with his work for many years and invested in a seriagraph of one his pieces last year as teh house build was nearing completion. The piece we bought is called "The Infinite Way" and is done in his early style (1991) showing above and below the sea (popularly known as "Two Words").


We got a call from the gallery a few weeks ago and they told us that Lassen was coming to Japan and was coming down to the south to make an appearance at a small art show. So we hopped on the train and went down there. Kids were excited as they'd never been on a train (within recent rememberable memory) and was a great day out. As it turns out we were able to meet him and take a few photos. I told him I was a big fan of his earlier Two World work (being a keen reefer) and said I hoped he'd make a return to that style for a few pieces. He said he'd been thinking about it alot recently too so fingers crossed obn that one. :)

This is me, my lovely wife and kids with Christian Lassen. :)

cmondo, only had a few softies and a couple of brains. Everything is in there but can't really notice due to the size...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6563428#post6563428 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NexDog
Not sure if any of you are familiar with Christian Riese Lassen (marine artist)? I've have been in love with his work for many years and invested in a seriagraph of one his pieces last year as teh house build was nearing completion. The piece we bought is called "The Infinite Way" and is done in his early style (1991) showing above and below the sea (popularly known as "Two Words").


We got a call from the gallery a few weeks ago and they told us that Lassen was coming to Japan and was coming down to the south to make an appearance at a small art show. So we hopped on the train and went down there. Kids were excited as they'd never been on a train (within recent rememberable memory) and was a great day out. As it turns out we were able to meet him and take a few photos. I told him I was a big fan of his earlier Two World work (being a keen reefer) and said I hoped he'd make a return to that style for a few pieces. He said he'd been thinking about it alot recently too so fingers crossed obn that one. :)

This is me, my lovely wife and kids with Christian Lassen. :)


That is a really cool story. With a great ending!
Thanks Marc. :)

I have some excellent news on my new Copperband Butterfly that's been in QT for a few days. Haven't seen it eat anything and I know their notoriety fo being finnicky eaters so I did some searching here at RC and found this post by dhoch where he described his method for feeding new CBB's.

He uses mussels but I couldn't get any but I got something like small cockels (not sure what they are really but you see the shells all the time on the beach). These ones were fresh. Packed in a plastic container with saltwater so they were still alive and closed tight. I soaked one in boiling water for a few minutes just so it opened a few millimetres and then inserted a nori clip inside it so it's clamping down and keeping it open just under a centimetre of so. I wrapped a rubber band round it just to be sure it stays on and placed it in the Copperband's favourite corner.

It swam right past it for 30 minutes or so but now it is just devouring this shellfish like it hasn't eaten in weeks (which could be true!). I'm checking it out right now as it goes in time after time. It's going in really deep too so it's halfway in there sometimes. I'm very happy. :thumbsup:

I'm going to keep the others in the HOB fuge which no longer has a need for keeping macro. :)
That's great. I've been training mine to eat frozen mysis, and it begs for more all day long. I'd like to add it to my reef in the near future.
You have it QT or other tank? I thought your's was already in your reef....Get it in there already. :D
Nexdog, anyone mentioned that you look just like the composer Hans Zimmer? (He of Lion King, Gladiator fame).

Just wanted to drop a line that your tank is fantastic and it's the first thread I check every time I come on RC. Keep the updates coming! :)
Thanks akirasan. If I had a better camera I'd update the thread more often. I will get a great camera but won't be until March/April....

No-one ever mention the resemblance to Hans Zimmer but I can see where you're coming from on that one. :D Shame about the flash on the pic though. I have some more pics from the day on another disposal camera that got washed. The camera shop sent it off to a special lab to see if anything can be recovered.....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6564308#post6564308 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
It is in the quarantine tank, with lymphosistis or something. Here's a video of it eating, if you've not seen it already.

Not seen that vid before - thanks. Sure it's sick because it looks great. :)

Mine is a baby compared to that. Less than half the size.
Mine isn't that large. The tank is small. ;) It has some white cottony stuff on the tips of his doral fin, 'flapper', and tail. I was told I could pluck that off and all would be well, but I don't think the fish wants me to do that.
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