Things are moving along slowly but surely. All the fish were moved to the big tank leaving my 50g free as a QT tank. In the last week I've acquired some beautiful fish and they are all very young which I'm happy about:
Powder Blue Tang
Flame Angel
Emperor Angel (juv)
Copperband Butterfly
SixLine Wrasse
Longnose Hawk
All appear to be doing great in QT and most are eating from what I can see. I have an assortment of 2" elbows and pipe in there and the fish seem to be getting on just great.
It's my intention to pair up as many fish as possible. My plans are for a harem of Royal Grammas, a pair of mated Banggai Cardinals which RC member MDP is donating to me and a pair of Mandarins. Plus I hope to find mates for the Flame Angel and the Yellow Tang. My other fish plans are a Regal Angel and a Clown Tang and that's about it (around 25 fish). I like fish.
Moved my grape Caulerpa to the fuge and hooked up two light hoods that I found locally. As they run on 100v I had to buy a small transformer to convert the 120v back down to 100v. The lights fit inside the black light box perfectly and sit on the sump flange. I'll take some pics cos it's pretty cool to see that one section lit up and the sections on either side totally dark.
I have a long baffle from the skimmer section to the fuge and as the water exits over the top baffle into the fuge it creates a small vortex so the Grape Caulerpa just tumbles over and over - no more cyano and no need for powerheads - great!
Hooked up the PF0 mini-pendant containing a 10k 175w XM light on the prop section so I'm ready to go when I can afford to get some large colonies to frag.
At the moment my main light canopy is simply suspended from the ceiling which is a major PITA when trying to clean the tank. I went up the hardware store and came up with a cheap way of making a sliding light rack. Will suspend some bars from the ceiling (2 bars each side) and use double-pulley wheels to slide across them with the light canopy suspended underneath on chains. Going to put it up on Monday and will take some pics of that too.