All I add is a small amount of baked baking soda premixed in a cup of RO/DI water. It is easy to overdose, so a pH meter would be really important when doing this. For the 10g hospital tank, I'm using maybe 1/8 tsp or less.
For the display tank, it can be 3 to 6 tsp to raise 280g worth of pH up.
Btw Nexdog, I don't see the value in hypo for 5 weeks as you seemed to indicate you performed. I'm not a fish expert, so I'll defer to those who are, but from what I've read, quarantine should last 3 weeks minimum. If the fish looks healthy at that point, active and eating, it should be safe to add to the tank. If it breaks out in disease, you can work with it in quarantine or move it to a hospital tank to deal with hypo. In that situation, it would be a glass box, water, PVC pipe, airstone and perhaps a HOB filter. Then as soon as it is healthy, levels should be raised back up to normal to avoid causing internal damage to their organs. As far as I know, hypo only needs to be performed for 21 days.