JapanReef - 450 gallon In-Wall system

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Nopes, this kind of bacterial bloom can't be filtered by any media. I also tried Purigen but no go. It's at such a molecular level that only UV can kill it.

Good news. Shipment made it to Alaska. :p
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7051282#post7051282 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TJcop
Any chance a diatom filter would help clear it up?

Yes it would... I have used a diatom filter for years on my FW tanks... You don't run them 24/7 only every so often to "polish" the water... In this case to filter out the algae along with doing a water changeââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¦
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7051309#post7051309 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NexDog
Nopes, this kind of bacterial bloom can't be filtered by any media. I also tried Purigen but no go. It's at such a molecular level that only UV can kill it.

Good news. Shipment made it to Alaska. :p

NexDog, Here is an example, this is not my tank...

You can go from this...

To this in 1 hour...
lol i thought i had an algea problem..

i put filer socks on my drains .. scrapped it off and later replaced the filter socks with clean ones.. worked great algea is almost gone..

try this.... scrap it off early in the morning and leave the lights of for the day.. that should help alot...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7052242#post7052242 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by asnatlas
NexDog, Here is an example, this is not my tank...

You can go from this...

To this in 1 hour...


Thats amazing! :D

It is only used to help you with your problem, still need to find the source...

I would also say that those pics are a little "extreme" and I would not expect that in an hr, but with a WC and running that for a few hrs every day, it will help alot...

VORTEX Diatom Filter
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7055157#post7055157 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by alien9168
They are a tad pricy. But it looks like it works like a chrarm.



Vortex Diatom Filter- XL $100.00 ??
I have to agree with asnatlas. I have used the Vortex Diatom filter on my fresh water tanks since I was a kid and that was about thirty years ago. They have always done an excellent job in polishing the water to crystal clarity. I started using a Vortex XL filter when I got into reef tanks and it will certainly take care of the suspended particles and the free floating stage of ich in the quarantine tank.

Check out Reef Exotics at http://www.reefexotics.com/. Tony the owner is a true gentleman and stands by his products. The current price on the Diatom XL is $98.99.

Dr. A
I emailed ReefExotics about shipping to Japan but looks like Big Al only ships to continental US as they don't even do Alaska and Hawaii.
i can ship it to you.. i know people that work for Fedex.. PM me if you want me to hook you up....
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