JapanReef - 450 gallon In-Wall system

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Jeff, thanks for the correction. As I said, I'm not an expert on that subject, and haven't had to battle ich ever.
The PBT is one of my favourite fish so I really want to succeed this time around. I'm at hypo level now and will continue for a month just to be sure. Going to be a tense month!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6989665#post6989665 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NexDog
Aussiestar - Missed your post but I'm honoured that your first post on RC is in my thread. If you're ever in the neighbourhood, you're welcome to stop in. :)

Thanks you i maybe in japan later in the year for the forumla ones, and doing a bit of sightseeing. YOur tank is truely amazing, just wish that i could have something quite as good as it is.:)
I have to totally disagree with Marc on this one. Hypo as a prevention is a great idea and a way to get an Ich free display. Hypo does not stress the fish in any way in fact quite the opposite if done properly as it ease the osmoregulation the fish has to perform.

I do it to all my introduction period! Put them in QT bring down to 1.009 in 3 days. 4 weeks in 1.009 then 5 days back up to 1.025. Works really well!
Yah, I think prevention is the best bet here. I might change my mind as I get more experienced but in my mind it's one thing less to worry about once the fish go in. :)
Yes, it's certainly tough. For instance I got a hundred snails the other days and just stuck 'em straight in the tank. It's possible Ich can hitch-hike on stuff like this. Also the coral tanks at Natural in Tokyo do have fish in them so there's teh possibility of a hitch-hike there too. But until I see Ich in the main tank I will continue to QT all fish with hypo.
Great thread! I'm be stealing a number of your ideas for my tank, which happens to be the same size!

Photo Tip: If you reset your "white balance" on your camera under your tank lights, the pictures will turn out alot better. Just aim the camera at something white (a piece of paper in front of the tank lights) and press the white balance. Things will look more natural.

Best of luck, and keep the updates coming!
I know there has to be a white balance somewhere - I just can't find it. :(

If you have any questions, please let me know. You'll love your tank from James. :)
On my last disastrous QT cycle a bi-product of the deteriorating water quality was some kind of bacterial bloom that turned the water green. While this in itself is not harmful to the fish it does kind of suck when trying to check all the fish are alive and siphoning detritus etc.....

I should have started from scratch but I was a little concerned about the denitrying bacteria not being able to handle the sudden load from 7 fish so I actually only emptied about two thirds of the tank and replaced with new water. The water was pretty clear after that but not 100% but I thought I was in the clear.......



It's pretty dense now. Water changes don't touch it really. I have heard that a UV Steriliser is the only cure so I ordered a unit from MD last week and I'm experiencing the longest shipping route ever. In 3 days from leaving MarineDepot it's only made it as far as Tennesse. :(

Managed to take a few close-ups of the new corals. The tips are white on some of them and I was a little worried but after doing some research here at RC I have discovered that white tips on SPS indicates growth so looks like everything will be fine.


Carbon does nothing. I've been running carbon ever since teh tank went green. Water changes do nothing too. Because the bacteria just recolonises fast. The bacteria needs to be eliminated so I guess the UV is the only solution. (If it ever gets here)
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