Je®vis' Office 800L SPS Tank

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9729419#post9729419 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chris wright
How the bloody heck do you blokes get any work done with those beautifull tanks in the same room :lmao:

I know i wouldnt get much done. ;)

Well done and keep up the pics.

Well... it is quite a distraction I must admit :p But it does motivate me to go to work every morning :lol:


Here's my external protein skimmer... Hydor Performer 3000... with a De Bary 15W UV on the right :D I have a 2ft Juwel tank connected to the whole system :rollface:
External Red Dragon 6,5m3 as return pump...


Arctica 1/3hp chiller keeping my water at a range of 25ºC to 26.5ºC... controlled by Aquatronica ;)

Will introduce the rest of the equipments later... just downgraded (or upgraded?) from MH to ATI Powermodule 10 tubes using ATI tubes 2 weeks ago... very happy with the result so far :D
We have an active reefing community here in Singapore and we sometimes pass frags and colonies around... collected these from a fellow reefer this morning :D

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9730051#post9730051 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bax
Nice squammy!

Great equipment, very clean set up
Err... actually not as CLEAN as it should be :rolleyes: Converted a few filing shelves along the way...

for somone who doesn't have that much experience in reefing you sure have an amazing tank.Very nice sized coral and I must say the tank is very impressive.How do you like the crushed coral shells for substrate.Do you think this will give you a nitrate problem later on.I had crushed coral on my 150 and after about 2 years the nitrates started to rise.I do think that my 35 gal sump was to small for the sytem I had.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9731077#post9731077 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by steve the plumb
for somone who doesn't have that much experience in reefing you sure have an amazing tank.Very nice sized coral and I must say the tank is very impressive.How do you like the crushed coral shells for substrate.Do you think this will give you a nitrate problem later on.I had crushed coral on my 150 and after about 2 years the nitrates started to rise.I do think that my 35 gal sump was to small for the sytem I had.
The substrate is alright... doing particularly well under my Tunze Streams... Nitrate been around 0 to 0.02ppm for the past 2 months... didn't know the aragonite substrate will cause Nitrate problem :eek: :eek: :eek:
it all depends on the tank but from differant threads most people go with sand.I found with cc you get pockets of dirt and air wich does allow some pockets of air to get into the substrate.I have beed told that cc isn't the way to go.I did use it with success but nitrates did rise but your levels are low plus I had many fish in the tank wich doesn't help.My next tank I am going with is sand and a large sump.This will allow me more flexibility .
Sand would be better, but with enough flow and a lillte maintenance as its needed you should not have no problems.

Ill have to buy shares in Tunze, youve got some good gear there lol, let us know how you find the streams and wavemakers if you could.

Your tank is looking really good. :)

his tank is nice.Like I said most people aren't crazy about cc substrate and don't reccomend it but I have seen some people using it.You just don't see that many.As long as nitrates are low its fine.I always like cc because it doesn't make a sand storm(at least not as bad as sand) when fish get up into it.My clown fish used to relandscape.
So much interests over my shell bed :p I purposely chose CC to avoid sandstorm as I expect some serious Tunze-party even from the start... currently I am running 5 pieces of Tunzes in my main tank:

2 x Tunze Stream 6100 (Pulsing 30% - 100%)
2 x Tunze Stream 6000 (Pulsing 30% - 100%)
1 x Tunze NanoStream 6025

On top of that, I have my return pump (Red Dragon 6,5m3) split 50% to a flushing system (see pix below)


I believe my entire shell bed is well covered with flow... except those areas covered by LRs.

I also stir my shell bed once a week... good SPS food :D
Emm... my thread is running a little dry... enough hardware for the time :D

Here's my favourite SPS... Walt Smith... bought it 1 1/2 months ago and despite cautions from senior reefers... the colour is holding well :D


It comes with a pair of Acro Crab... first time I see a pair of them co-exist in a single colony :) (Pix taken with flash)

My collection of Encrusting Montipora... 1 piece of Rainbow with 2 pieces of Pseudo-Superman :p I placed them together... curious how they will turn out to be :mixed:

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9738210#post9738210 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by steve the plumb
Stirring the bed will help keep it clean.You can always get a clean up crew for your sand bed.This will help
Yupe... I have a very hard working Sand Sifting Star... some blue-legged hermits... 2 tiny Sea Urchins... etc.
This is a common-looking specimen... but the polyp extensions are great (since day 1)... the polyps will react immediately to most of my coral food :lol: Can help me ID this piece? I believe the blue SPS behind is a Staghorn... or is it an Acropora?
