Jebao Group Buy Proposal (SWFMAS)

Since the dc pumps are not ready can one more be added on?

The payment was made more than a month ago so adding one more pump wont be possible. I did other some extras DC12000's and WP40's so if you are interested in any of those send me a Pm for prices.
Anyways I am planning on either buying 2 small powerheads or 1 big powerhead for my 60 gallon. what size or sizes should I get.
Okay guys I got good news!!!!

According to Jebao the pumps are ready to be shipped and they should go out this week coming up. (They will email me once the pumps are shipped but it should be this week)

Lets hope its on Monday or Tuesday and not at the end of the week lol. :)
hey Eric, sorry if I missed it - whats the shipping time on this? I'm using a spare pump now -return gave out last week.

thanks for putting this together.
Just bought a wp40 from a local guy. This pump rocks!!! even if it lasts a few years, its a good deal. Good luck guys. I see the main issue is GETTING them. LOL.
The WP40 design has a power cord coming out of the display correct? Its not like the vortch pump that has the power cord outside the display right?
Just bought a wp40 from a local guy. This pump rocks!!! even if it lasts a few years, its a good deal. Good luck guys. I see the main issue is GETTING them. LOL.

Told you they are pretty good. Are you running only the WP or are you still running your MP as well?
Okay guys the pumps are on their way. They shipped them today and they should be here by Wednesday according to UPS.

There is only one problem. The DC12000 did not ship with the rest of the pumps due to the transformers not being ready so they will ship once they are ready. ( I was told that they should be ready by next week. )

At least some of the pumps will be here. I guess that's better than nothing I guess lets just hope the dc12000 are ready next week.
Hey there guys, I haven't read though this whole thread. It's probably too late, but I was wondering if I could hop in the group buy for a wp40?