Jebao Group Buy Proposal (SWFMAS)

Group Buy Now CLOSED.

To those of you that have not paid please do so asap. If for some reason you changed your mind and no longer want the pumps please let me know so that Im not waiting for a payment that isn't coming.

To everyone else thank you for submitting your payments and I will keep you guys updated on the order process as I receive more information from Jebao.
Have they told you anything on the backorder of the DC pumps? You can PM me or respond here. Im sure others would like to know the issue with that as well. Fish Street seems to be on "Pre Order" Status till October.
They have not told me anything about it. I did ask them last night and I have not heard from them yet so as soon as I hear something I will post it here.
Numbers have been sent to Jebao (Over 130 pumps) and Im waiting for a respond on how to proceed as far as sending the money to them goes.

I won't/cant add any more pumps at this time so for those few of you that didn't send your payment in time Im sorry but now its too late.

(In the future I might setup another group buy if there is enough interest)
Just got an email from Jebao with their account information. I initiated a transfer from my PayPal account to my bank account earlier today so as soon as that goes through I will transfer the funds to Jebao. Now it's just a matter of waiting on bank transfers and Jebao sending out the pumps.
prior to transfer of funds I'm sure you asked them about the rumors of a production delay and expected delivery time of our 130+ pumps.

What was the answer?
Eric i am the one that did the other Group marks almost 4 weeks that we placed the order and they have shipped the order...just so you can expect the same delivery time!

Good luck!
Eric i am the one that did the other Group marks almost 4 weeks that we placed the order and they have shipped the order...just so you can expect the same delivery time!

Good luck!

Thank you and yea I'm not expecting them next week I know it takes times. I bought pumps before in a different group but and it took almost 5 weeks
I will be going to the bank tomorrow to transfer the funds to Jebao. I initiated the transfer from PayPal to my bank account Monday night and it just cleared today at 6pm after the bank was closed.
Just got back from the bank. Jebao should have the money in a few hours according to the bank employee. I sent a copy of the bank slip to Jebao and asked them to give me a timeframe on how long it will take for them to ship the pumps. I will update everyone as soon as I hear from Jebao.