JellyTheory’s 450 gallon Peninsula Style Starfire display tank Extravaganza - w/Pics!


VP of FishTank Operations
JellyTheory’s 450 gallon Peninsula Style Starfire display tank Extravaganza - w/Pics!

Hello all,

I am just too excited to continue to hold off on posting this thread! :) After quite a bit of research and discussion with my wife (who is wonderfully supportive) it looks like we are going to be setting larger sized reef tank over the coming months to replace our current 180 gallon tank (6x2x2). So, thank you honey when you read this!

Secondly, I’ve been extremely lucky to have met and made friends with quite a few fantastic people in this hobby over the past 4 and ½ years, both in person and through these forums, that I look up to and have nothing but respect for. Some of you have already taken the time to answer questions I’ve had for this project as well as provide me with extra input during the initial stages of planning. So, a big THANK YOU to all of you as well!

I’m adding a link to a fluid summary/appendix page -->   <a href=""> HERE</a>   <-- that I can update and add pictures to as this thread grows. Hopefully it will make it easier for any of you looking through this thread in the future to go to and find any and all of the pictures and updated information on the tank. :)

I’m going to attach a couple of diagrams of the tank below but here is a brief description of what we are currently planning on upgrading to.

It will be a 450 gallon peninsula style display tank housing SPS, an RBTA, Clams, and Ricordia with a 240 gallon tank underneath it in the stand. I’m planning to keep less light loving corals (LPS and soft corals) in the 240 gallon tank so that I can keep it covered and house fish that would be considered “jumpers” (i.e. wrasses, etc). The display tank will be up against an exterior wall of the house. The sump, refugium, and all the rest of the noisy equipment will be housed in a “lean-to” shed we built on the outside of the house (this shed already houses the chiller and pumps for the current 180g). The shed’s ground level is about 7” lower than the floor on the inside of the house. So, I hope to use gravity as much as I can to help get water from the lower display tank to the sump outside.

<li><strong>Upper Display Tank </strong></li>
<li> 450 gallon peninsula style starfire display tank.
<li> Dimensions - 84"x42"x30"
<li> Starfire panels on the two 84" sides as well as the 42" front.
<li> Single in tank 30" overflow on the back of the tank.
<li> 8-10 holes around the perimeter of the Eurobracing for returns

<li><strong>Lower Tank </strong></li>
<li> 240 gallon peninsula style Acrylic tank
<li> Dimensions - 68"x30"x27"
<li> Covered to prevent "jumpers"
<li> Three 2" output bulkheads at 25" high

<li><strong>Stand </strong></li>
<li> Steel stand will have hooks welded into the bottom of the top of the stand to hang return plumbing and lighting in place
<li> "Line-X"ed
<li> Wood furniture grade facing with open viewing windows on front and side of stand to view lower tank like a display tank

<li><strong>Circulation/Plumbing </strong></li>
<li> I'm going to try to keep it as simple as possible as I've had rotating return devices fail on me at the worst possible times in the past
<li> Will probably go with fixed locline returns but there is still a possibility of using Sea Swirls or Wavy Seas
<li> Variable alternating flow in the tank will be created by 2 controllable Tunzes on the back wall of tank. Each one will be placed in the open 6" of space on each side of the back overflow.
<li> Return Pump(s) from sump to locline - Undecided
<li> No closed loops
<li> Tunzes in the lower tank to add circulation still needed after gravity fed water enters from display tank

<li><strong>Lighting </strong></li>
<li> Upper Display
<li> 400w SE
<li> Lumenarcs or Lumenmaxs reflectors
<li> VHO Actinics for sunrise/sunset and supplementation
<li> Lower Tank
<li> T5s

<li><strong>Controller </strong></li>
<li> Undecided. I have an ACII on my current 180g but am thinking about either an ACIII or a Profilux because of it's ability to control Tunzes.

<li><strong>Skimmer </strong></li>
<li> Bubblemaster 300 (once they become available)

<li><strong>Chiller </strong></li>
<li> Undecided

<li><strong>Sump (lowest tank in shed) </strong></li>
<li> 130 gallon - Acrylic
<li> Dimensions - 60"x21"x24"
<li> Will hold skimmer
<li> Return pump will feed from this tank and send water to display

<li><strong>Refugium (Highest tank in shed) </strong></li>
<li> 86 gallon - Acrylic
<li> Dimensions - 46"x18"x24"
<li> Chaeto
<li> Xenia

So, this thread is being started a little prematurely in the hopes that I can get some extra input from everyone on the plumbing. I would like to keep the plumbing/circulation setup as electrically efficient as possible. I will attach a few diagrams of what I’m thinking about doing for plumbing to this thread after I’ve cleaned them up a bit.

I’m basically looking at trying to feed the lower display tank (with added in tank circulation accomplished using Tunzes), the sump, the skimmer, and the chiller via gravity from the main display tank. The lower display tank will feed any water it receives from the main display tank to the sump via gravity. The refugium will be fed off of the main display return pump and drain back into the sump.

If any of you have any suggestions or input regarding the plumbing or anything else, I would absolutely appreciate it!

Stay tuned. :)

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Here are some diagrams I've created of the tank set up. In reality, the total distance between the back of the display tank and the back of the sumps in the shed outside will be about 8-10 inches tank to tank. The space between the tanks and the green wall in the diagram is exagerated to allow for easier access while creating the diagrams. :)

I will take some pictures of the room where the tank is going as well as the shed outside over the next few days and post those and the tentative plumbing diagrams here as well.




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This looks interesting. I'll be tagging along. I've been toying with the idea of moving my sump/pump outside into a shed like yours. How does it handle the sun? I worry about heat with an outdoor shed since mine would have a southwest exposure to california sun.
I'm very interested in your thread as well. Your top tank dimensions is very similar to how I would like to design my dream tank. I would like to see how you handle the water flow design in a peninsula style tank to ensure it is adequate for your SPS.
Thanks Diveredd and Wayne.

Wayne - At this point, I don't plan on packing the tank full of SPS like I've seen in some tanks. I plan to have fewer nicer colored pieces and let them grow out. To help with the flow if needed immediately or later on in the life of the tank, I might add Tunze nanostreams to the bottom of the locline returns. If I do this, I might just go the wavy sea or sea swirl return route on the returns I add the nanostreams to. They aren't as big as the standard streams and will help add quite a bit of flow. :) The idea came from a member here on RC named Pico1. Below are the pics he took of what he came up with.

Also, I should have pointed out in the diagrams above, that the blob is where I plan on trying to keep the RBTA (on a rock island). The blue spots will be a clam bed. The brown is a general work up of how I would like to build up the rock. It will be very open and low in the front of the tank and work it's way up moves to the back of the tank.





I have my sump, refugium, chiller and such in a rubbermaid shed outside the wall of my display tank. I use an industrial venting fan on a timer that works very well in keeping temp under control. Overall more stable than i would have thought. I also added white styro to one wall that gets sun early afternoon. Not ideal, probably drives up electricity use and a bit inconvenient, but has worked ok to date.
Chris, that is going to be one awesome setup! Take your time with everything, and be sure your below tank fits and can be removed if necessary later down the road.
Hi Ken,

Thanks for your input in this thread and over the phone so far. I really appreciate it. :)

Unfortunately, the 7' long tank will be going into a room that is about 10' wide. So, I won't be able to get the bottom tank out unless:

A) I move the stand at an angle when trying to get the tank out (which will probably be impossible due to weight) or
B) I cut a hole in the opposite wall (it's an inside wall) to pull the tank through.

In my current 180g I've only pulled the sump out once since it was set up to a new bulkhead at the bottom of the sump. This tank will have that extra bulkhead right from the beginning. Are there any other reasons as to why I would really need to pull it out?


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9577258#post9577258 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JellyTheory
Are there any other reasons as to why I would really need to pull it out?
Not that I can immediately think of, but that's the reason. The second I say I don't need it, something happens!

I don't think I have ever had to remove mine, but if you can't, you can't.

As far as plumbing goes, look at using sweeps instead of regular 90° or 45° parts, McMaster Carr caries all that stuff.
Hi Ken,

Thanks for the tip on the sweeps. I'll definately have to go that route for anything I can't use flex tubing on. :)

I took some pictures of the room our current tank is in.

The new tank will be going into this room as well, so I built a mock up of the new tank with 1/2" pvc pipe. The real tank will actually go all the way to the wall on the right I just wasn't able to build the pvc mock up all the way to the wall because the current tank is in the way.

In the last two pics, I added some sheets to represent the stand so I could get a better idea of what the set up would actually look like with the stand on it. :)





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Thanks for the words of encouragement to those that have posted in this thread so far. :)

DC909 - I'll keep you in mind and send you a pm when we begin to sell our current tank.

Here are quite a few different angled diagrams of what I'm curently thinking about doing with the plumbing.

I would have liked to have had the refugium dump (via gravity) directly back into the main display tank, but I don't think I can raise the refugium high enough to get above the display tank to do that. So, right now I have it dumping into the sump near the pump return that goes back to the main display.





And here are a few more. I know there are a lot of them, but I wanted to show all of the different angles of what I'm planning to do so hopefully I can get some better more informed ideas on what I can improve on. :)


