Jeremy's 225g Envisions Peninsula

Originally Posted by windowlicker916
If you don't mind answering:

What was the total cost for the stand materials?
Better yet, what was the total out of pocket to get this going minus sand, livestock, rock?

Awesome build"

Thanks. That is the question most of us don't want to think about

Stand/canopy lumber: $60
skinning: $100/not yet finished
trim: ytbd

Lighting: none(already had all lighting)
VHO Actinic bulbs- $30/each x 2

Return pump: WaterBlaster HY7000 $219 - 11% discount

In tank pumps: 2x Sicce HP4000's normally $188/each - (11% BF discount)
1x Vortech MP40wES ($150 to upgrade) will be selling this, not needed

Skimmer: Bubble Magus 220A - $269
Swabbie for skimmer - $150 - 40% discount(don't have yet)
Skimmate locker - $150 - 60% discount(don't have yet)

Sump: 40breeder - $60

Plumbing: none/already had

ATO: AvastMarine - $70 - 15% discount(don't have yet)
ATO pump: BRS 50mL doser $60

Dosing pumps: 2xBRS dosers - $60/each
Dosing containers: $8/ea

Controller: Neptune Apex Lite (bought before this upgrade began) $370
Neptune Lunar Simulator w/5 LED's - $99
Wireless game adapter - $40

Refugium - none(Thanks Tim)
Fuge LED light - $35

Heater - Jager 300w heater(as mine died) - $36

Possible LED supplemental strip - $100-$300 (may not happen for awhile)

I think that about covers it. Now if I can just get those other tanks sold I can pay for most of this stuff :headwally:
I haven't done much on the stand skinning yet. Been taking a little bit of a break. I did get the Apex fully programmed after a bit of difficulty getting my laptop to communicate with it to update the firmware, but all is well. I also got the 2 BRS dosers online and active after getting ahold of another EB8 for the Apex. I also managed to get the frags all mounted and off of the sand bed. Here's a video as it sits today, complete with the reflection of the christmas tree lights and all:

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Well, the last of my toys have come in....

Davey Jones Skimmate Locker with carbon cap and pressure switch to shut off the skimmer when it's full:



My Swabbie to clean the skimmer neck:



And my float pressure switch/probe holder...No pic of the topoff unit.


As far as everything else goes.....well.....having fishy troubles. Everyone ended up with ich, then seems to have some form of fungus. Lost the Percs, Chocolate Tang, and Powder Blue...Been a rough week. The Flame and Purple tang don't look too hot, so they all got put into a QT with a little Cupramine. The Copperband is actually the healthiest of the lot. Go figure. Looks like I get to go fishless for a bit until everyone gets healthy. I planned on letting them all ride it out, as I've had more success with that in the past than in moving to QT, but as I'd already lost so many, and the Purple was heading downhill, decided to try QT.
Other than the fish, everything is doing great. A little algae popping up, but that's not unexpected with an accelerated build. Actually seeing polyp extension, which I haven't seen in months(corals don't seem to care for alk swings for some crazy reason).
My orange torch decided to spawn this evening. Here are a few shots where you can just see the eggs being released:




And a couple of shots of the tank:



And the shot from my desk :D


And a little video showing some of the action. You can see the eggs slowly being released from both heads, and a few floating around the tank.

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OK, here's a video of the sump area and the tank itself as it stands today. The wiring is still a bit of a mess, and is temporarily strapped together for now. The skinning of the stand....well.....that'll be awhile before I get back to that.
You can see in the video of the small tank in the sump on a stand. That is where the fuge drops into the small tank, then spills over the sides into the sump. It was the best way that I could come up with on short notice to avoid the wonderful sound of splashing water in the sump.

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Here's a new video update. Too bad the colors don't come out quite right, as things are starting to look good.

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Added a couple of new fish fresh out of QT, but they were hiding at the time. The current list is:

Purple Tang
Juv. Chocolate Tang
Leopard wrasse

I'd like to add a couple more tangs, wrasses, and a pair of Perculas, but I'll have to wait until the budget allows...
Well, I got to witness the spawning of a red mithrax crab this evening. I saw it climbing on one of my acros, and just doing circles around it. Then I noticed the pouch on it's lower abdomen and thought how much it looked like the abdominal fins of a pregnant shrimp. So, I decided to whip out the iPhone and get a video of it's odd behavior, just in time to witness the fry being ejected. He continued to let them free for at least a half an hour. You can see them all swimming around like crazed little pods... My Leopard wrasse and Mandarin should be well fed tomorrow Sorry for the lighting. Just had the LED's on and grabbed a small flashlight...

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1 of 3 new swimmers in the tank 1 of them is currently buried in the sand, and the other is far too dark to see under the LED light...So, you only get 1 picture It's too bad pictures just don't portray what you actually see under a blue LED light worth a darn...


A few pictures of the fish :D





My new belted wrasse, scooping up sand and distributing it around the tank for me...




Hey, who's that handsome fellow looking back at me...

Well, a little progress to report. Finally started working on skinning the stand. As oak is $$$$, I bought a used headboard and bed rails from the Salvation Army for less than $20, tore them down and ended up with this:


Liberal use of a planer and sander and I ended up with this:


Face framing mounted for a test fit:


Staining the parts:



Still gonna add another couple of coats of stain to darken it up some more, and add a layer of poly. Now I just need to build out 5 large doors, and then move on to re-doing the canopy....I think my hands are still vibrating from the sander. :headwally:



And a sneak peak into the 60g QT tank:



In QT:
Potters Angel
Emperor Angel
Exquisite Wrasse (pulled from the DT due to ich)
Powder Blue Tang
Yellow Tang
Baby Yellow Belly Regal Tang

There's still ich in the DT, though only the Chocolate Tang has any visible at the moment. They will likely all get pulled, but we'll cross that bridge when the time comes. Fish currently in the DT:
Majestic Angel
Flame Angel
Chocolate Tang
Purple Tang
Scopas Tang
Belted Wrasse
Leopard Wrasse
Mandarin Dragonet x 2
Radiant Wrasse

The QT will be wall to wall fish if it comes to that, but I will pull the Purple at the very least, assuming the ich clears, and hold him for awhile to let everyone else get acclimated, just in case...

And now, we are all caught up on 5 months of action :beer:
Looks like someone has been naughty. And what amazing progress in less than 24 hours :eek2: I wished I could squeeze so much time out of the same number of hours as you do :lol2:

Congrats on the new setup, buddy. LMK if there is anything I can help to stock your tank. They'll probably grow into full colonies in a couple of days at the rate you are going. But then again, you do have the best source already close to you in Sac :)
Looks like someone has been naughty. And what amazing progress in less than 24 hours :eek2: I wished I could squeeze so much time out of the same number of hours as you do :lol2:

Congrats on the new setup, buddy. LMK if there is anything I can help to stock your tank. They'll probably grow into full colonies in a couple of days at the rate you are going. But then again, you do have the best source already close to you in Sac :)

I had a thread going in the local forum, but decided to move it over here. It's starting to fill up nicely, though I think I'm going to change it up a bit. While the anemones aren't unhappy where they are in the center, I think they'd be happier with a little less flow, and a few of the acro's near the left side would prefer a bit more flow...Not sure yet how extensive the change will be, as I may just move the top rock that the anemone's are on, but who knows. I'm also playing with ideas of changing up a bit of the plumbing, possibly bringing the returns over the top and in at the far end, instead of the overflow side, but I really like having the end clean and open...Decisions, decisions...