Jeremy's 225g Envisions Peninsula

Thank you. About 25g leaked out, but thank god it didn't leak through the floor. Do you know what be the price of a new acrylic tank like yours would go for?

Glad it wasn't worse....:debi:

I don't know the cost of a new one. I'd estimate somewhere north of $2k, but that's just a guess. When I had a 250g custom built, I had the tank, 3 sumps and a custom top off tank built for around $3600 back in '08, unless my memory is completely shot(which is a distinct possibility as '08-'09 are high on my "to-forget" list).
Well, I guess I should post a picture with the doors on since they've been mounted for a week :o


Also a little note on something I realized not too long ago:
DO NOT PUT A MIRROR ON THE TANK TO REDUCE TANG AGGRESSION IN A PRIME VIEWING AREA!!!!! Got a nice little bevy of scratches on the tank where they were attacking themselves. Not noticeable unless you look closely, but I NOTICE...
Dude, that came out really nice. You know what I do for fish aggression? I just snap my tongs at the aggressive fish a few times and they learn the lesson :lol2:
Dude, that came out really nice. You know what I do for fish aggression? I just snap my tongs at the aggressive fish a few times and they learn the lesson :lol2:

Hah! I tried to startle them out of the chase if I was paying attention. Even went in with the long handled scraper when they were too intent, but the mirror and the re-introduction of the Purple tang did wonders.

Nice tank
Btw what hinges did you end up using on your doors ?

Thanks, I ended up with a mortised hinge. I had to pick up a Forstner bit, but a package of 10 hinges at HD was only $17, vs. $5-7 per hinge for most other variations, and I would have had to order them online and deal with shipping time/charges. It ended up being very easy to drill out the hole for the hinge, which I was a bit leary of doing and being able to properly align. It appears I was worried for nothing(or I have more skills than I thought).
Nice tank! What are you dosing and how much?

Alk & CA via dosing pumps, Mg manually
Occasional Roti feast & Phyto feast, maybe 1-2/week

And the fish are well fed:
Formula 1 flake daily
Formula 2 flake daily
Thera A pellets daily
1-2 week Garlic/Selcon soaked mysis
And the occasional sheet of Nori
Thanks said:
Hey Thanks for the reply man it looks like you have some skills
I just wanted to ask if it is not too much of a problem could
you pleas post some pictures of the hinges
Thanks a lot
Hey Thanks for the reply man it looks like you have some skills
I just wanted to ask if it is not too much of a problem could
you pleas post some pictures of the hinges
Thanks a lot

No problem. I'll see about getting a few pics tomorrow.