Jeremy's 225g Envisions Peninsula


Well, finally got ahold of some more wood and have started building out the doors for the stand. So far I've got 1 basically put together(will pull the panel for staining), and have the parts all cut for the other 4 doors. This would be so much easier with a router table and a few $60 router bits....but alas, this is the budget version, so I had to use my table saw with multiple passes to "route" the groove for the door panels.


I think it's time to harvest some chaeto...


Also, all of the fish are now in the tank. I pulled the purple tang for a week and put him into the QT to ease the introduction of the others. The timid little scopas tang did not appreciate the yellow tang in his tank, nor did the chocolate tang. Added a mirror and covered the tank with lights out for a day, and he was still getting mightily harrased. After putting the purple back into the tank, everyone knew who was the boss and settled down nicely. No recent pics of the tank, as my father has my Cannon, but may post up a few from the iPhone in a few days.
The doors are assembled and ready for beautification :D


And a new video of the tank:

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When did you sneak in this thread and not tell me? :p

I guess I'm online even less that I originally thought :lol:
When did you sneak in this thread and not tell me? :p

I guess I'm online even less that I originally thought :lol:

I'm a ninja :spin3:

It feels like my hand is still vibrating from sanding, and sanding...............and sanding. Got 2 of the 3 coats of stain on the back sides of the doors. Will finish the last coat tonight, then flip them to hit the front sides, and then start adding the 2 coats of poly. Gonna be awhile....
Hey Jeremy your stand is looking great. That chaeto is out of control, I never could grow it very well. Ive had the same little ball floating around forever it seems.LOL
Really like the used bed idea.

How do you like the locker and swabbie?

Thanks Chris. Why spend $3.50 per foot when I can spend $20 for about 60 ft...:D

Hey Jeremy your stand is looking great. That chaeto is out of control, I never could grow it very well. Ive had the same little ball floating around forever it seems.LOL

Thanks. I really hate it when the neighborhood gardeners show up on an unexpected day and I've got wet stain on wood :angryfire: Looks like I've now got more sanding to do...
As for the chaeto, it's strange. Wasn't growing much, then it took off. Now that I've got so many fish in the tank, I imagine it won't slow down anytime soon.
oh, and great job on the tank! I like the rock work, what did you use to hold it together?

Thanks. As for the rock, it's all just stacked. Most of it was chosen for it's current position because it locked together well with the other pieces. No pins, straps, or cement...
So, how's the swabbie and locker working out for you?

Hey Chris,
I love the swabbie and locker. The combination cuts down on the required maintenance on the skimmer to keep it performing. I've got the swabbie running for 1 min 2x a day. I love the auto shut off on the locker which shuts the skimmer off when the locker is full. No overflowing locker for me :D
Seeing your cabinet work makes me want to get back to my woodworking. All of my tools are just sitting there collecting dust and rust.
Seeing your cabinet work makes me want to get back to my woodworking. All of my tools are just sitting there collecting dust and rust.

LOL. I wish I had the tools of just a few years ago. All of this is being done on a relatively cheap table saw, a hand planer, a mouse sander, a drill and a circular saw. I miss my router and compound sliding miter saw :(

Only 1 coat of stain on the doors to go, then it's time for poly...:dance:
Lookin good!!! My 220 marineland glass tank two day ago leaked all over the floor, the bottom seal was bad. I don't know if I want a large glass tank again. I think a want a acrylic tank for my next tank.

How do you like your acrylic tank?
Lookin good!!! My 220 marineland glass tank two day ago leaked all over the floor, the bottom seal was bad. I don't know if I want a large glass tank again. I think a want a acrylic tank for my next tank.

How do you like your acrylic tank?

Ouch, sorry to hear that. I planned on owning glass tanks after years of acrylic. Cleaning is so much easier when you can use metal scraping blades. That said, acrylic is stronger, clearer and lighter. I've got young kids, so the added strength is a bonus, and I know that at some point down the road, this tank will get moved, so another bonus. If I bought the tank new, it likely would have been glass. The fact that a deal came up for a nearly perfect tank at a price I couldn't ignore.....too hard to pass up.
Thank you. About 25g leaked out, but thank god it didn't leak through the floor. Do you know what be the price of a new acrylic tank like yours would go for?