Jesus's 190G LeeMar Starphire upgrade

Jake - It looks like Jesus's overflow was drilled similar to yours; such that, Jesus can use one large and one small for Herbie style overflow, then the remaining large for return. Got it.

An insump skimmer would be ideal to simplify the plumping but Jesus already has that monster deltec that he thinks might actually fit under the stand. Given the skimmer will fit, he'd like to feed the skimmer with part of the overflow water.

So, how could we split the 95% overflow such that the skimmer gets a constant feed of about 1.5 tank volume per hour (e.g. 1.5 x 190G = 285GPH)? FYI - I tried this once with my 210G and found my overflow manifold with valves would not deliver a constant flow but varied and ended up adding a feeder pump. Do you still like your Tunze skimmer?


Regarding feeding the skimmer I don't have experience so I'll just say this. I think it could work rather well provided:

a) You oversize the pump to account for extra restriction factored in from the skimmer.

b) You ensure that the siphon line can easily handle all of the return pump flow (more like 2x the flow) with the ball valve wide open. At the flow rates we're talking about a 1-inch line will be more than sufficient.

c) You use a ball valve on the pump outlet in addition to the valve on the Herbie siphon line to fine tune.

I'm happy with my Tunze. There have been some incremental updates for it and Roger from Tunze has been great about getting all of them out to me. I recently added the second pump to it and I'm still getting it tuned (skimming like crazy now). With two pumps it draws a total of 40w.

Yeah, the specs on the Tunze Hydrofoamer Silence Pump 9420.040 / 9410.040 are crazy (16W/12W respectively).

A simple 'Tunze Recirculation' pump rated at 792 GPH/42 watts might also work fine for the return. Time to sit down and calculate all the different flows (skimmer, chiller) to see what return pump volume we need.


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Glad to see one of the greats still at it :) we won't run in to each other at Aquascene anymore but maybe Neptune's in Milpitas :)
Are those the OM Revolutions that are drawn on your sketch-up? Or is that just part of the borrowed sketch.

Also think about the access for service of the OM. That sucker needs periodic cleaning too.
Chris - Jesus already has the OM, pump, etc so why he is thinking about using CL/OM as opposed to a tunze powerhead scheme. Still in planning stages, but yeah, the OM setup will require prolly about 1 foot+ space between tank and wall.

Here is updated version trying to depict pendent with two luminarcs.

nice drawings Scott :) the light rack looks pretty close to what i'm having Kritter's fabricate and the sump looks pretty close as well. I may just use your drawings. :)

Does the sump and skimmer fit?
Hey Ed - Cool! Can you show your light-rack design to Jesus? I like the way you spray painted the luminarcs black and left the top open to help with heat dissipation. You need your own build thread!!! U have a sweet tank and a DSLR sitting right next to it!

I think the sump on the 240 is too big and the skimmer is also very tall and sucks alotta juice with those dual eheim 1060s. And the 5000GPH sequence is just too big and noisy for inside the living room. Jesus is hoping he can sell some of the 240G equipment then use those funds to purchase slightly smaller, more energy efficient equipment for this new tank. Kinda tricky cause he'll have to run two tanks in parallel for awhile until the corals can be transferred.

In the diagram, still have to T the overflow to feed the chiller and convert the standpipes to herbie. Then, add calcium reactor.

Base of tank stand itself needs to be epoxy coated (or plexiglass tray like you need).

Dude, we need to checkout your tank for more ideas...

Sorry, I have not been not logged in lately for school was taking a big toll on me. Final was finally over and it's time to take a good look on the build since I will no school for the next two weeks. Maybe I can get this tank going before I go back to school after the new year. I will be down grading from my 240 to 190. I have neglected my tanks lately due to school. I might need to sell some of my equipment that is currently running or back up for the 240. I hope to post more in the next week or so.
By the way, ED, he is under contract....

what clever thing shall I say??? eh... how about thanks for getting that thing out of my house. and I sold the 300 tooo..... YIPPIE !!!! now I can be a normal person again. I just told my GF. it has been over 15 years since I haven't had a fish tank in my house. Dang it's quite.

OK SCOTT : bring the cube back over.
Will - If it is too quiet in the house you should ask the GF to come over and make some noise! I'll give you 6mo before you start setting up a nano... :fish1:

PS The 60 cube is doing great. Nice little tank.

Don't mean to harp about the OM but you should consider placing it above the display tank water line so that if you need to take the drum apart to clean the CL outlets won't back siphon. You could consider adding valves after the CL but that will add to head loss and they would have to be accessible. Maybe other OM owners have alternative suggestions.
Don't mean to harp about the OM but you should consider placing it above the display tank water line so that if you need to take the drum apart to clean the CL outlets won't back siphon. You could consider adding valves after the CL but that will add to head loss and they would have to be accessible. Maybe other OM owners have alternative suggestions.

Thats what I did on my last system and it worked great. Also made it easier to access. On my current tank it is below the tank on a closed loop. In order to service I need to close all valves and drain the lines before opening. Did not think about T'ing off a drain valve until after the fact either! :rolleyes: So basically its a total PITA to service the OM the way I have it now.
A simple 'Tunze Recirculation' pump rated at 792 GPH/42 watts might also work fine for the return.

FWIW this is not a quiet pump. They run cool, simple design, and are reliable. If I were building a tank now I would probably look into other options. Between Red Dragon, Bubble Blaster, Laguna, etc there are some good options out there for super power efficient, cool, and quiet pumps now.

Talk to Ed. He did all the research for you already :lol: