Active member
Thanks man
My current tank is 72x18x22 with 1/2 glass and 60g glass sump
it is lit by 12x39w T5's
I run a dual chamber calcium reactor with large grain argonite and some Zeo mag rock, I also have a third chamber full of fine grain argonite, I did this to try and get the effluet ph up even higher before it drips back in the tank
I dose kalk via my ATO and I drip magnesium a few times a week
I keep the calcium around 450, the alk around 8 dkh and the mag around 1600, I have tried a lot of combinations but acheived the best results with that combo.
For flow I have 3 Vortechs and a modded Tunze 6025, plus about 500gph from the return. I run the Vortech's on short pulse mode to create a wave in the tank which creates a nice surge in the water column.
I feed a lot and skim pretty wet and you can't tell from the pictures but there is 16 fish in the tank. I water change 15g weekley with Tropic Marin salt and I run a carbon reactor.
How's that MRC skimmer working?
My current tank is 72x18x22 with 1/2 glass and 60g glass sump
it is lit by 12x39w T5's
I run a dual chamber calcium reactor with large grain argonite and some Zeo mag rock, I also have a third chamber full of fine grain argonite, I did this to try and get the effluet ph up even higher before it drips back in the tank
I dose kalk via my ATO and I drip magnesium a few times a week
I keep the calcium around 450, the alk around 8 dkh and the mag around 1600, I have tried a lot of combinations but acheived the best results with that combo.
For flow I have 3 Vortechs and a modded Tunze 6025, plus about 500gph from the return. I run the Vortech's on short pulse mode to create a wave in the tank which creates a nice surge in the water column.
I feed a lot and skim pretty wet and you can't tell from the pictures but there is 16 fish in the tank. I water change 15g weekley with Tropic Marin salt and I run a carbon reactor.
How's that MRC skimmer working?