July 19th PROP Auction

would be cool if eventually people who are out of town but have time can remote in somehow and then just instant transfer paypal or something at the end. Ill also be in cali this weekend but I think it will be better if I just save for the next PROP, good luck to all, Im sure it will be fun as usual.


1. #464 Misc. Zoa Polyps - 40+ polyps. Morphs I haven't seen before $40
2. #464 AoG look-a-like Palys - 15 Polyps $25
3. #464 Mushroom (Unknown Species) - 1 Polyp - $20
4. #464 Pagoda Cup - Green coloration - $40
5. #464 Pink Tube Anemone (Doesn't eat fish) - $30
6. #464 Zoa cluster w/ rare morphs - 20+ polyps - $30
7. #464 Zoa cluster - 30+ polyps - $30
8. #464 Green Monti Cap - 1"x1" - $20
9. #464 Green Porcipilla - $30
10. #464 Palm Cloves - 5 Polyps - $20
11. #464 Zoa cluster x2 - 20+ polyps - $20 each
12. #464 Zoa cluster (Unique morph) - $30
13. #464 Green Wall Hammer - 3" long - $35
14. #464 Magician Palys - 4 polyps - $25
15. #464 Zoa cluster - 20+ polyps - $30










Item # Seller # Seller Name Item Name Minimum Bid
1 548 zibba Neon Green Nepthia $10
2 548 zibba Salsa Shrooms $10
3 548 zibba Wart Shroom $10
4 548 zibba Grape Juice Acro (lg) $10
5 548 zibba Grape Juice Acro (sm) $10
6 548 zibba Wild Planet Acro $10
7 548 zibba Spitfire Zoas (2p) $10
8 548 zibba Kwoww Rhodactis $10
9 548 zibba Eagle Eye Zoas $10

Below are representative pictures of the corals, not actual frags unless noted.
1. Nepthia

2. Salsa Shrooms

3. Wartshroom

4. & 5. Grapejuice Acro

6. Wild Planet Acro – sorry, no picture of this one.

7. Spitfire Zoas (bottom zoas)

8. Kwow Rhodactis

9. Eagle Eye Zoas (zoas on left side)
1 445 evolved DFS Setosa 5
2 445 evolved ORA Belina Acro 25
3 445 evolved Nuclear Green Birdsnest 10
4 445 evolved ORA Bird of Paradise 20
5 445 evolved Blue Spotted Mushroom 10
6 445 evolved Radiant Rainbow Pocillopora 5
7 445 evolved Radiant Rainbow Pocillopora 5
8 445 evolved Blue/Purple Moon Staghorn 15
9 445 evolved Blue/Purple Moon Staghorn 15
10 445 evolved White Chocolate Chip Stag 5

I will post pictures/info later as well.

Photos/info as promised below. Mother shots on everything.

1 445 evolved DFS Setosa

Montipora setosa originally from Dr. Fosters & Smith (Diver's Den). I've kept this one for a couple years and it's pretty easy. The lineage on this one tends to be a bit more fire-engine red rather than just orange. It gets more red with less light. I probably have it in a bit more light than it would prefer (mid-tank) - it tends to grow downwards.

by evolvedx, on Flickr

2 445 evolved ORA Belina Acro

This also came via Diver's Den originally. I've kept this acro 2+ years and have grown it into a colony. Beautiful piece; deep greens with bright green polyps and deep purple dips. Grows in a "bushy" form and is towards the bottom of my rock work. Belina is now pretty hard to come by via ORA; not much is out there in the retail market.

by evolvedx, on Flickr

3 445 evolved Nuclear Green Birdsnest

I once bought a small frag of this from Tiff several years back (3+), and now I have a colony the size of a basketball - and it's been cut many times. An easy, fast grower for me; I've never found it to be finicky like some claim about birdsnest. I have it in high light, but it would do fine in less.

by evolvedx, on Flickr

4 445 evolved ORA Bird of Paradise

The infamous green/purple birdsnes from ORA which I acquired via Reef Culture. It's much slower growing the weed-like green one above (#3), but it makes up for it in a appearance. It's in medium light for me, but tends to grow towards more light and flow.

by evolvedx, on Flickr

5 445 evolved Blue Spotted Mushroom

I don't even remember where I originally picked these up, but I'm confident it was a LFS. I think Aquatouch ~4 years ago. These grow really fast in high light, but grow in at manageable rate in lower light. As attractive as they look.

by evolvedx, on Flickr

6 445 evolved Radiant Rainbow Pocillopora
7 445 evolved Radiant Rainbow Pocillopora

This came to me from Reef Empire ~4 years ago. It's a super easy SPS and grows very fast. While it's pretty, it also really likes me. It spawns all over my tank; if you're lucky it might do the same for you? This one will grow anywhere; high or low light (but looks best in high light).

by evolvedx, on Flickr

8 445 evolved Blue/Purple Moon Staghorn
9 445 evolved Blue/Purple Moon Staghorn

Originally from Reef Empire, and he called it "Blue Moon", but it's rather purple for me. I started with a 2" frag, and now I have this monster colony in about 3 years time. It loves high light and high flow; I don't think you could give it too much of either.

by evolvedx, on Flickr

Up close:

by evolvedx, on Flickr

10 445 evolved White Chocolate Chip Stag

Yes, there's a story. This was once a freebee from Reef Empire, and it then looked like an encrusting monti. I was orange-ish with green polyps, and only tissue encrusting on a plug. I originally bleached it and moved it lower, then forgot about it. The next time I paid attention, it was growing acro branches. So now definitely not a monti. :) It once got green polyps again for a short period, but then went back to what you see now. Sure, it grows really fast, but I keep hoping one day it will be great again. Who knows, maybe it will color better for you than it does me.

Frag from the large colony on the left:

by evolvedx, on Flickr
Someone could bid on your behalf if they know your max bid and then hold the corals for you. I dont mind if you.

Ryan If you are interested, I can set a Max Bid of X dollars. For Example. If I set a max bid of $50 and as the bidding starts going up and there are only two people left bidding, then announcer you or Stolireef can bid for the private bidder by saying private bidder bids $40, then the other bidder continue to bid. If the highest bid is $46 by the private bidder, then he wins. if the bidding goes over $50 then the private bidder is out since his max was $50.

The one thing that would need to happen is to get the approval of the seller before hand and work out a payment option, and also where the coral will go that day.
Unfortunately, I don't think that anyone in PROP could do this without it looking like a conflict of interest.
I agree, and others would expect the same treatment from PROP and if it didn't happen it would not look fair. Just my personal opinion.
Completely understand, I will see what I can do on my end to find a bidder. Looks like there are some beautiful pieces, should be a great auction.
1 Green Milli
<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d146/evolust/IMG_7097_zpsac3e9aea.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_7097_zpsac3e9aea.jpg"/></a>
2 Pets Inc Acro
<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d146/evolust/IMG_7105_zpsc6f3f8b8.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_7105_zpsc6f3f8b8.jpg"/></a>
3 ORA Frogskin Acro
<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d146/evolust/IMG_7100_zps8616b87f.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_7100_zps8616b87f.jpg"/></a>
4 Ponape Birdsnest
<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d146/evolust/IMG_6972_zpsa2b54c38.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_6972_zpsa2b54c38.jpg"/></a>
5 Pink Birdsnest
<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d146/evolust/IMG_7098_zpsdb11fc6a.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_7098_zpsdb11fc6a.jpg"/></a>
6 Huge Montipora Undata
<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d146/evolust/099_zps31540903.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 099_zps31540903.jpg"/></a>
7 Montipora Spongodes (bottom left)
<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d146/evolust/IMG_6788_zpsc0194a2e.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_6788_zpsc0194a2e.jpg"/></a>
8 Mystic Sunset Monti
<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d146/evolust/IMG_5923.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_5923.jpg"/></a>
9 Frogspawn
<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d146/evolust/photo_zps3b9e5718.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo photo_zps3b9e5718.jpg"/></a>
10 Tyree Green Toadstool
<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d146/evolust/IMG_7099_zps1683185d.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_7099_zps1683185d.jpg"/></a>
11 Orange Zoos
<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d146/evolust/109_zpsd49b10df.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 109_zpsd49b10df.jpg"/></a>
12 Green Zoos (left)
<a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d146/evolust/106_zps55af3eb3.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 106_zps55af3eb3.jpg"/></a>
PROP Auction List

PROP Auction List

Here's the preliminary final list (yes, I know not the best choice of words but I'm sitting on a plane at 36,000 feet and I'm a little punchy). Let me know if there are any errors. If any corrections are needed, I'll try to post the 'cleaned up' final list late tonight or tomorrow morning.

This is going to be a pretty big auction so bring lots of money.


Here's the preliminary final list (yes, I know not the best choice of words but I'm sitting on a plane at 36,000 feet and I'm a little punchy). Let me know if there are any errors. If any corrections are needed, I'll try to post the 'cleaned up' final list late tonight or tomorrow morning.

This is going to be a pretty big auction so bring lots of money.

Stoli, you posted the auction from last May.

Time to put the wine down. hahaha
Hey Stoli...I didnt see any of the corals I listed on azfragclub on the final list..Should have been right after Ryan C's corals..thx
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