July meeting


Premium Member
I am gearing up for the July meeting and would like a show of hands from everyone attending. I am planning a cookout with burgers and hot dogs. I will also supply drinks, chips, and condiments. If anyone would like to bring a side dish please feel free. We have lots of space so I am hoping for a big turnout, and I am looking forward to meeting everyone.


PS. We have a pool if anyone wants to swim bring your suit.
I need directions...mapquest says it will take me an hour to get to Brownsville so I need specific directions once I get that far . I have to work that day so i may be a few minutes late but I am planning on coming .
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10341445#post10341445 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ryan Burchfiel
The 2 kids and the wife and I will be there.
Milking that family membership huh?
If only I could get the wife and kids to come, I might have a chance at a giveaway :lol:


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10341948#post10341948 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bshumake
Milking that family membership huh?
If only I could get the wife and kids to come, I might have a chance at a giveaway :lol:

Yeah, got get all I can outta it!
Larry , will you mind me bringing my grandson and my nephew? I unexpectedly have them comming to spend a week with me starting tomorrow. They are both 14 and may try and eat you out of house and home. I promise not to let them enter any giveaway drawings ..lol
Hey guys! I'm sorry I reported earlier that my family and I would be at the meeting, but we will not be able to attend. I am playing in a golf tournament and my wife is working in a fundraiser project for my daughter. I do have 1 bottle of phyto that I will be sending with Barrett. Thanks.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10376293#post10376293 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by grannybj
Larry , will you mind me bringing my grandson and my nephew? I unexpectedly have them comming to spend a week with me starting tomorrow. They are both 14 and may try and eat you out of house and home. I promise not to let them enter any giveaway drawings ..lol

Sure you can bring them, we will have plenty of food.
