Just snagged some sick sps


Active member
not sure how much these photos are "pushed" but even if so they should look pretty good. I'll take actuall shot when i get them next week.


Makes me want to get some fuzzy sticks...

Gotta say though, unless those are taken under actinic lights of some sort.. the colors really look overly saturated. But who knows... hope they turn out as good as they look!
:inlove:Nice!!! Congrats on the acquisitions. Who what where did they come from? Is the 1st one a Tri-Color?? How about the last... Some type of Rainbow? You have a good eye for cherry picking lol!! Enjoy..:spin3:
Looks like he's got some nice stuff. Have you dealt with him before??
Keeping my fingers crossed for a smooth deal for you. Of course, if he does right by you, we'll all know that we have a fair shot with him.
I actually got a call from him today he wanted to check the weather here for shipping and how many heat pack he should add. seems like a good guy even spent some time talking about his system and where he keeps the corals in his tank. I'll have them thrursday.
Well i got them this morning, ehh not bad but not very close to his pics. Over all i like them and the price was really not that bad lets see what they color up in to. On the vendors behaf he did say his frag tank does not keep color well but that is neather here nor there plus she shipping messed them up as well i'm sure.
Well i got them this morning, ehh not bad but not very close to his pics. Over all i like them and the price was really not that bad lets see what they color up in to. On the vendors behaf he did say his frag tank does not keep color well but that is neather here nor there plus she shipping messed them up as well i'm sure.

I believe with your Creme de la creme in maintaining SPS, you'll have them looking fantastic in a short period of time. The price was great for $60 bucks each. They could have been D:eek:A.
They still look good! I would say that they should color up to the quality of the first set of pictures. What kind of lighting did they have and what do you have?

The bottom pic has a tint of green to it, so that seems like it should color up quick. The top pic deff doesn't look like the original, but after time if the blue bottom shows up that would be a great sign.

Nice corals reguardless! :beer: