just wanted to share a few pics from my 180


Active member
heres a few pics from my tank thanks for everyone on this boards help over the last year the tanks doin awesome and i wanted to show some pics of a few corals mind u ive got alot more but heres a few lol

its a 180 mixed with sps, softies, lps, clams, and a rbta







hope u like
thanks everyone for the compliments!

the tanks doin well but these sps sure do suck up the calicum now! that reactor was such a great investment!

"gemini aquarius(t) nice coral do you have a fts? "

whats a FTS??? lol i havent heard that abreviation yet

JMBoehling.... u know im lost too when it comes to naming things.... i know the first is a prostata the second is a valida then i dunno i duno some zoo's and a monti of some sorts lol

sorry but yeah id be interested to know what it is as well

ill post a few more pics shortly of some of the other corals and such
oh thats what that meant gemini lol yeah ill put one uip in about an hour thats when the lights come on.... i dont have a recent one otehrwise....

and yeah im going to reef-a-palooza....

u guna be there???

sounds like its guna be a cool event...

kinda a drive for me but should be fun
yeah im guna be bringning somethings.... ill be there with another reffer at a table....

not sure yet what im guna bring but most likely softies and lps since they transport better and i live kinda far away

we'll have to meet up when were down there....

and thanks for the compliments that means alot!

this tanks been quite the uptaking and its slowly coming together
ya who are you sharing a able with? are you bringing any zoas? and are any of your sps big enough to frag i might be ready to stock my tank by then!
yeah im guna bring some zoas and probably some sps frags ill have to take a look to see whats big enough to frag but mainly some zoas and lps and some shrooms things like that

im sharin a table with sean aka scallop king