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Let them try and catch me. I have nets!
oh! You mean to change the flat floor with an indent to a shallow box base for the tank?
Interesting option... more complex... but it would give a few more inches to the top area.
The compromise (other than complexity) is that the floor of the dark zone would be difficult to see and that's where I expect the coolest things to be.
1) You should list what fish you want, what you expect their max height (not length) to be, and how much of the ground you expect to be obstructed (or will there be open sand channels?) Some fish get tall, others get long, some do both.
9" strike me as small given that something like a desjardini can nearly turn in to a 12" dinner plate sized fish. Would it be acceptable if the larger fish stayed only in the "deep" portion up front?
2) Obviously you should make the tank taller. I still think the bottom being a "bathtub" rather than "platform" shape would help with this. You'll have to work out how to make it come out correctly aesthetically in the front, but it won't matter for the dark zones. You'll still be able to see in to them as needed.