Yes. The intent is use pellets in the model to simulate the flow patterns for different modes.
I've given this more thought and a vital element is the structural integrity of the 12' side panels. The false floor serves a critical bracing function so that I can have a completely open 12' x 8' top. Without it, the 12' side panels would be unbraced down to 27" depth. I don't see 3/4" starphire being a viable option in that case.
While I like the aesthetics, the tank is first about replicating the conditions in nature- particularly flow, light and air. The channel structures create the circulating flow. At 9' each, we're already pushing the ability of the powerheads to drive the right flow patterns in the primary direction. Creating more channels would divert more of this flow away from the intended circulating loops.
That's not to say that it can't be done - just that the pump configuration won't support it. I have almost no powerheads within the tank now. All forcing is done in the backend to eliminate wires and simplify maintenance.
So, doing this would require going to a smaller tank, thicker green glass, braced top, more complex center bracing, shallower deep zone, and a more complex pumping system... or at least some combination of these mitigating elements.
While it's a beautiful design, I don't see doing it due to the higher risk and complexity in design and maintenance (& cost). But even if it were feasible, I don't think it would help corals grow any faster... and that's still my primary objective.