Kar's 200g Starfire Tank Thread - Planning Stage

Im going for the 200, I know its only 20gallons difference but its hard to go smaller when your addicted to Tangs. :D
Just found and finished reading your thread.
Looking good so far. I planned my tank for 3 years before upgrading.
Guess you can use this time to start buying stuff that you know will not be old technology by the time you do the tank. maybe buy the tank and keep it aside that would be a good temptation to make more savings and buy more stuff and you'll find yourself starting on it earlier than expected.
For lighting I would still do MH and supplement with T5. My final plan for my tank is 2 150 MH on the sides 1 250 in the middle with actinics and 2 T5, but that's a 150.
On which size you should do, I'm already wishing I had a 200 and I even don't have fish and corals in my tank yet so I would say go with the biggest tank possible from the start.
One thing I would worry about is flying balls from your Pool, I read somwhere that you can use a very thick curtain that drops in front of the tank at certain distance from it to stop any flying ball.
Good luck with starting it and tagging along.
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Thanks Maroun. I will start buying the little things first because the tank will just be sat there taking up too much space. I will start buying next year probably. I will get most of my stuff from MACNA because things are cheaper over there, I think ill take an extra suitcase. :D
haha, its funny. just last week I ordered and received two of my 6201 tunzes (the old big ones), and like the next day I see they have new ones that are a fraction of the size.....

your tank is going to be cool. thats a cool idea flanking the tank with cabinets on either side instead of cramming it under the stand.
Thanks, Ive seen it on many other build threads and thought I might aswell try it because I can hide skimmers, reactors and controllers in there. I think it will make it alot more easier for maintanence aswell because I will have more space and access things easier.
I agree man.... never can have too much space..... ever.
I thought I had given myself plenty of space too but then everything fills up incredibly fast, and your mind at first never fathoms just how much room stuff like plumbing ends up taking up.

I always had in the back of my mind that my plumbing would be smaller.... simpler than all the plumbing I had seen. no idea where I got that idea but boy was I wrong :D
btw that pool table room looks nice. I like the wavy mirrors on the wall. I think those will go really nice with a tank since it will reflect the color of the corals and lighting from different angles.
When I had my 55 full it reflected real nice of them mirrors especially when its dark and I've just got a movie and the tank lights on. :D I think I may end up buying a chiller though for the summer because that room is like an outhouse and not actually connected to the house, the walls are pretty thin and it gets hot during the summer in there. Winter is fine because I turn the heating on and it stays at a stable temperature.
Ok, I'm sure many of you will be glad to hear I'm canning the Deltec and getting a.........
(drum roll please)

Bubble King!
With the skim clean of course.
I was thinking of the Mini 200 but I would much rather go with a Supermarin 200 and maybe upgrade to the Deluxe 200 External so I have more room in the sump.