Kar's 200g Starfire Tank Thread - Planning Stage


If u're worried about scratches in a low iron glass, then u can forget about acrylic as it will scratch even easier....

As for being a wrasse lover, would suggest going SSB. this way u have no worries about those 'big' wrasse u love that will stir up the sand bed. For a tank this size, if u go regular glass, the green tint will be quite obvious.... many equipments u can change but the tank u can't so u really have to make up your mind on this one.

Do some more reading here in RC and u can see the pros and cons of each materials....

I was up till 2:30 this morning looking at Pros and Cons of starfire and regular glass :D I think i am going to go with starfire. Like you say if im worried about starfire scratching then forget about acrylic. Scratches isn't something that I can see myself making on the tank. But i know tangs scratch tanks with the hooks. I am trying to decide if I should get an Achilles aswell. Its a big thing because they are a real sensitive fish but I think I should get everything else sorted before even thinking about stocking
Kane i think both SSB and BB have there goods and bad.

SSB i think it has a great look to your tank and like you said acts like a cushion for your rock. But then again you might have to clean the sand and turn it over if it gets algae on it.

BB i am not a fan of the BB i dont know why but i just am not. I mean one good thing is that there is no sand to clean. One bad thing is there is no cusion and later onyou might start to get stuff growing on your bottom like algae, green algae etc. But thats just what i think of both.
With SSB I have clean up crews and the algae should only grow if there is nutrients in the water to feed the algae.
Yes Kane i did forget about all of that. I mean if i were you i would go with SSB just because of the look and some other factors. But this is just my opinion. I mean your tank you can do w/e you want to do with it.
I'd like some opinions here please. I like the idea of vortechs being wireless, having the battery backup, not taking as much space up in the tank and having good flow. But i like Tunze aswell. :D What do y'all think of them.
Yes sir, i use the 6091 with Y adapter for my waveboxes and 7095 for my stream... I don't want to use the AC to control my pump because it may not be the same.
I went with vortechs, and spent nearly a grand on two pumps and a battery backup unit.

I'm going chiller-less, so I'm trying to minimize the number of pumps and heat inside of my tank. The 30 hour backup power is nice since I live in a heavily forested area with frequent and lengthy power outages. I'm also interested in the wireless master/slave mode on the pumps, and setting them up to work together.
I honestly dont think I would need the bettery come to think of it. Since I moved into this house just over a year ago weve never had a power outage apart from the earthquake when i think it went off for only a few seconds.