Kovy's 180G Reef


Ive spent the past few days building my stand. I used 2x6 for the top frame and 2x4 for the rest. It took about a lot more wood than I expected, I ended up going back to Home Depot three times just to get more lumber.

To make life easier, I painted the wood beforehand, then assembled everything together.

I used Kilz 2 Latex primer paint for this project.

The "Family" of tools I used, not including the circular saw:

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Ok everyone, two things:

1: Im about half way done building my stand, i'll post some pics tomorrow.

2: Im going to need some opinions. My plan up until this point was to light the tank with EcoTech Marine's Radion. But now that the AI Vega Color is set for retail in august, Im reconsidering my choice. So, you tell me, go with the Radions and start the tank up and running ASAP, or take my time and wait for the Vega to come out?


You can check out my thread, I just got the Radion's hung and installed tonight and watched as they powered down over the last hour.

I can't tell you yet how my corals respond or how they compare with the AI Vega Color... I can only tell you that my display tank looks amazing with them on and I am anxious to play with their different functions.

I watched David00061's Mixed 500 gallon AGE build and was incredibly impressed with the growth his radions produced.

Although I could have gone with a less expensive light/product, I chose to go with a proven commodity.

Just my two cents....

I am enjoying your build.

You can check out my thread, I just got the Radion's hung and installed tonight and watched as they powered down over the last hour.

I can't tell you yet how my corals respond or how they compare with the AI Vega Color... I can only tell you that my display tank looks amazing with them on and I am anxious to play with their different functions.

I watched David00061's Mixed 500 gallon AGE build and was incredibly impressed with the growth his radions produced.

Although I could have gone with a less expensive light/product, I chose to go with a proven commodity.

Just my two cents....

I am enjoying your build.

Hi Dan,

Theres no doubt in my mind the Radions are excellent. I guess I will have to wait and see when my tank is actually ready for light.

You cycled your tank without your lights, correct?

And Im glad your enjoying my build so far, as of now there isn't much too it. Next week when the tank arrives, things will start speeding up.
I think you might want to take a look at your stand design. The weight is on the screws and not settled on top of the legs in the corners.
Hi Dan,

Theres no doubt in my mind the Radions are excellent. I guess I will have to wait and see when my tank is actually ready for light.

You cycled your tank without your lights, correct?

And Im glad your enjoying my build so far, as of now there isn't much too it. Next week when the tank arrives, things will start speeding up.

I cured the rock for a few months and used live sand. I then let the tank cycle for 6 more weeks and ran some VHO's for seven hours a day.

Any update?

The tank should arrive some time next week. I still haven't got the sump ordered but that will happen either this week or next week.

I'll try and get some pictures up soon of the almost completed stand. We still haven't moved it into place yet though.
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Great job Fish. Are you adding more support to the stand in the outer corners? Just checking since there is no support between the 2x6's and the base.
Great job Fish. Are you adding more support to the stand in the outer corners? Just checking since there is no support between the 2x6's and the base.

Yes, I did as was planning on it from the beginning.

I got three out of four legs done when my saw died, which is why I wasn't able to complete the stand. Im going to borrow someones saw soon and from there, we can get this build moving!