well i bought some livestock on sat/sunday. against my better judgement i bought a red seastar. it is very small 1.5" star so i am excited and worried how it will do(i have read all the lit. but many people have had success i hope i am one of those, so wish me luck so far so good.)
i bought a 1.5"(everything is small) tux urchin to start taking some of the coraline off the glass plus i have been wanting to add one in the tank for months.
Finally i bought a female mandarin, she looked great at the LFS and was very active. i turned off the day lights early and left the attinics on for awhile. turned off the pump and tried a couple of different foods but she didnt look at it. I turned off the tank lights and left the living room lights on so she could roam around. after a couple of min they found eachother he chased her and it was the standard for the next couple of days. She has not really been eating and hiding more so on Tues i decided to hatch my own brine shrimp following melevs recipie.
It takes 48 hours so tonight i will be feeding them to both tanks. well now for the bad news, i found her covered with hermits this morning when adding the 2 part. this is the second fish i lose in the last couple of weeks. My firefish has not been seen for 3 weeks, it was being spooked by my tangs everytime they swam near him lately and i was not able to catch him. So now i am down to 5 fish in my DT, 2 tangs, a cardinal, blenny and mandarin.