kudoras 84 gallon thread

new purple fire fish for the new 30 gallon(bag 5)
also in the pic is a little hifin goby i picked up 6 weeks ago


and i got a diamond goby for the DT but he will reside here for a couple of weeks. (bag 6)

well its pass midnight so i have my first year of owning a SW tank hehe will put togeather some before and after photos tomorrow.
Nice stuff. :thumbsup:

you'll have to keep me posted on how you like the BoP after it settles in for a few weeks. I'm not a big fan of mine anymore, because it doesn't keep the "stubby polyp" look to it. So I'm currently on the hunt for a few different Ponapes that have those colors, but don't have the elongated polyps.

Oh yeah... Congrats on your 1yr anniversary! :D
thx, at the LFS it looked almost purple since it had so much PE. i almost didnt recognize it. since i picked it up red planet is next on my list, they had 3 in at the lfs today but i had already set the BoP aside.

some red light pics comming up in a bit
I really like the Red Planet... it's just been a painstakingly slow grower for me (all the moving sure hasn't helped the cause though). However, mine has held the green that most people complain about losing. I need to pick up one of Melev's Top Down photo boxes, so I can get some good shots of it.
just not my night for photos, i didnt like any of the 20+ red light photos i took.

here is a pic of my cucumber, this thing is huge


your red planet looks very nice, i hope it keeps it color. i want to pick a couple more frags of sps then start saving up for some equipment for this summer so i am going to be very selective on what i buy over the next couple of months.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14507377#post14507377 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kudora
thx, at the LFS it looked almost purple since it had so much PE. i almost didnt recognize it. since i picked it up red planet is next on my list, they had 3 in at the lfs today but i had already set the BoP aside.

some red light pics comming up in a bit

i put HAD in there lol
i noticed the green birds nest and all the red planets were gone when i went back.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14507468#post14507468 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kudora
just not my night for photos, i didnt like any of the 20+ red light photos i took.

here is a pic of my cucumber, this thing is huge


Is that a tiger-tail cucumber?
I have one in my tank that gets small and hides all day and at night he roams arround cleaning vast amounts of algea(and creating a vast amout of poop) and gets arround 10" when hes not shy.

your red planet looks very nice, i hope it keeps it color. i want to pick a couple more frags of sps then start saving up for some equipment for this summer so i am going to be very selective on what i buy over the next couple of months.
pulp, yeah its a tiger tail, i didnt see him come out for months but over the last 2 months he is out early in the evening and in the morning before the lights come on. he does do a great job cleaning the sand.

i just picked up a black serpent starfish last weekend and i noticed the area around its cave is nice and clean also :)

i picked up the diamond goby yesterday so in a month i will be able to add him into the cleanupcrew, he took care of all the diatoms in the 30 gallon in about 15 min :)
I also agree that he does a stand up job on the graveyeard shift cleaning a tone of sand!

I wish I could add some cleaner stars to my 60gal reef because its a crabless CUC. I'm sure that my harlequin shrimp would probbly get him sooner or later though.

The 2 yellow watchmen gobies I have also help out along with their tiger pistol shrimp. Too bad after cleaning the sand the shrimp often hides it where it shouldn't go like in my doughnut coral.
my fuge has a good amount of those small white serpent stars but as soon as i find another black serpent star it will be going into the fuge, to much junk collects in the rubble.
wow, i had no idea that the diamond goby would move that much sand, it has been making a mount of sand over the rock it lives over. i am having second thoughts about putting him in the DT tank now.
decent camera is not working atm so point and shoot camera will have to do. most of these have flash so it doesnt show the corals true colors for the most part.

sps area of the tank. encrusting monti(orange), bottlebrush, purple cap, green fuzzy acro, acro verde, and in the top left you can see my pearl berry.

bretts green cap, no purple rim yet. and pearlberry


purple cap and acro verde
