kudoras 84 gallon thread

Looking good!!! I LOVE fire fish, I need to get a couple. How many can you keep in one tank?
That's some nicely colored rock.

When I was redoing the return line the other night, I realized what a pain it is trying to get behind the tank. It looks like the space you have next to the fireplace is the same as in my townhouse, except my tank is 4' so I have a little more room... but it's still a major PITA when I have to move things in and out behind there. Plus my ATO reservoir sits on the one side, so access from the left side of my tank is almost impossible.

Seriously I could have taped a "what not to do when working with power tools" video the other night. :rolleye1: :lol:
i am running some PC lights 10ks so it looks the coralline really pops out.

i think i mentioned it on your 220 thread, it sucks having around 9 inches on each side of the tank, the best i can do is stick my head in there to see the back, one of the reasons i have not put a background on yet. i have my 6 year old go mess with the back of the tank if i need something actually.

i do like the rocks in my tank, the center "island" is one big rock and a smaller one.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13468085#post13468085 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by raen
Looking good!!! I LOVE fire fish, I need to get a couple. How many can you keep in one tank?

i think you can have several in a tank but they need to be introduced at the same time. i have also seen them sold in pairs on live aquaria.
not much happend in may, i changed positions at work so that kept me very busy.

the only thing i did pick up was a TLF phosban reactor, some seaweed selects and garlic.

i forgot to order the phosban so i had to order it a couple of min after putting in my order. if you call Dr F & S after putting an online order through they are going to remind you that you had to confirm your order several times and there is nothing they can do.
The garlic was for my GSM that likes to move everything and he hit his eye real good. so he had pop eye for several weeks. He manages to hurt himself often and if he has a wound i dont worry to much since he does it to himself a couple of times a month.

a couple of photos from that month

my leather

my hifin goby

camel shimp

i didnt take a fts this month for some reason.
hehe no
i lost a couple of heads of frogspawn, didnt know why untill i stayed up late one night and watched the camel shrimp take a head out...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13535709#post13535709 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kudora
hehe no
i lost a couple of heads of frogspawn, didnt know why untill i stayed up late one night and watched the camel shrimp take a head out...
So are you going to keep him around or throw him on the barbi.........Q......lol
he is very fast and hides well under the rocks. after a couple of times of trying to catch him he doesnt come out during the day anymore.
update for JUNE

i finally found a nice SW store over 100 miles away and they carried cheato. so i drove down there and picked some up since i couldnt find it locally.

here it is in my fuge

here is a close up of a Asterina in the fuge, there is some debate if they are reefsave or not, the little guy died the next morning and i have not seen any since so i didnt have to worry about having to many in the reef.

about a week later i decided to put some skunk cleaner shimp in the DT. i acclimated them using the drip method for over an hour. one of them died a couple of hours after being put in the tank. The other one was fine all evening and night, i put my alarm clock for 3 am and woke up to see my camel shrimp finally comming out of hiding chasing the cleaner shrimp. i tried to catch either one of the shimp but i had not luck, i woke up the next morning to see the camel shimp snacking on my cleaner shimp.

i took a long lunch and was able to finally catch the frogspawneating/cleanershimpeating sob of a camelshimp and took him to the LFS!!!

The pod growth exploded after the cheato was put in
here is a pic of one of the larger "bugs" as my daughter puts it in the fuge
June update extended:

Near the end of the month i decided to put a couple of new guys in the tank.

here they are acclimating

FTS of the tank while acclimating(notice the sand being lopsided on the right because of my GSM)

and finally the new additions


i did not use my Qtank for the first time with the mandarin. after much discussion and research i went ahead and put him in the DT after a FW dip.

The mandarin discussion can be found here on Tswiftys thread

The only major dry good buy i made was a nice refractometer
after a couple of weeks of spot feeding the mandarin with brine shrimp he started taking them. then i switched over to mysis, i tried the mandarin dinner as per melevs site but he has not taken to pellet yet. i think i have seen him take flake everyonce in awhile but i am not 100% sure. i lower the flow a couple of times a week so the mandarin can catch some of the frozen food during meal time.
i can tell when my phosban needs changing because the cheato starts growing. it has taken over 3/4 of the fuge since that pic. i run a small 50/50 CF corallife unit over it.
most of my sump is just the fuge since i have a hob skimmer(remora pro) i have mesured it at around 12 or 13 gallons dedicated as the fuge area. when i redo the stand i would like to put a 40 breeder as the sump/fuge.
update for July

equipment bought: 4x54w slr t5 set from reef geek
reefdip for corals
underwater glue
another TLF reactor and carbon
joes juice
formula one pellet

a week before the lights came in i bought some lps from a lfs around 100 miles again(my fav store now)
here is the pagoda

the bubble coral didnt do so well from the start, it was spewing red stuff from the center a couple of times a day but i moved it from this spot

here it is a couple of days later at its new spot.

i also picked up a tiger pistol shrimp that i didnt take a pic of when i had it in the bag, it never leaves its hole so i dont have any pics of it lol

Here is the last picture of my hifin goby, 2 days after i added the coral and the pistol shrimp he was getting blown around by the powerheads and was prob picked off by the clean up crew

Lemonhead(my daughter named him)