Here is the current list: [kids don't try this at home]
Angel fish (large and dwarf)
Euxiphipops Navarchus Blue Girdled / Majestic Angelfish 1
Pomacanthus Imperator Imperator / Emperor Angelfish 1
Centropyge Loriculus Flame Angelfish 1
Centropyge Potteri Potter's Pygmy Angelfish 1
Pseudanthias Squamipinnis Lyretail Anthias / Scalefin Anthias 3
Pseudanthias Bimaculatus Bimaculatus Anthias / Twospot or Twinspot Anthias 3
Zanclus Canescens Moorish Idol 1
Acanthurus Coeruleus Atlantic Blue Tang 1
Zebrasoma Xanthurum Purple Tang 1
Zebrasoma Flavescens Yellow Hawaiian Tang 4
Paracanthurus Hepatus Regal Tang 1
Acanthurus japonicus Powder Brown Tang 1
Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis Rhomboid Golden Fairy Wrasse 1
Pseudocheilinus ocellatus Mystery Wrasse 1
Macropharyngodon geoffroyi Potter's Wrasse 1
Amphiprion Ocellaris Ocellaris Clownfish / False Percula Clownfish 2
Nemateleotris Decora Purple Firefish 1
Synchiropus Splendidus Green Mandarin 2
Pseudochromis fridmani Fridmani Pseudochromis / Orchid Dottyback 1
Chrysiptera Parasema Yellowtail Damsel 1
Apogon leptacanthus Longspine Cardinalfish 3
I plan to catch 2 yellow and the hippo and remove from tank and look into adding goldflake.
MIA in last year.
Centropyge Bispinosus Coral Beauty Angelfish 1
Nemateleotris Decora Purple Firefish 2
Cirripectes Castaneus Eyelash Blenny 1
Gobiodon Atrangulatus Green Clown Goby 1