Kuhndog's 215G tank ~ 300G System

Here is the current list: [kids don't try this at home]

Angel fish (large and dwarf)
Euxiphipops Navarchus Blue Girdled / Majestic Angelfish 1
Pomacanthus Imperator Imperator / Emperor Angelfish 1
Centropyge Loriculus Flame Angelfish 1
Centropyge Potteri Potter's Pygmy Angelfish 1

Pseudanthias Squamipinnis Lyretail Anthias / Scalefin Anthias 3
Pseudanthias Bimaculatus Bimaculatus Anthias / Twospot or Twinspot Anthias 3

Zanclus Canescens Moorish Idol 1

Acanthurus Coeruleus Atlantic Blue Tang 1
Zebrasoma Xanthurum Purple Tang 1
Zebrasoma Flavescens Yellow Hawaiian Tang 4
Paracanthurus Hepatus Regal Tang 1
Acanthurus japonicus Powder Brown Tang 1

Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis Rhomboid Golden Fairy Wrasse 1
Pseudocheilinus ocellatus Mystery Wrasse 1
Macropharyngodon geoffroyi Potter's Wrasse 1

Amphiprion Ocellaris Ocellaris Clownfish / False Percula Clownfish 2

Nemateleotris Decora Purple Firefish 1
Synchiropus Splendidus Green Mandarin 2
Pseudochromis fridmani Fridmani Pseudochromis / Orchid Dottyback 1
Chrysiptera Parasema Yellowtail Damsel 1
Apogon leptacanthus Longspine Cardinalfish 3

I plan to catch 2 yellow and the hippo and remove from tank and look into adding goldflake. :)

MIA in last year.
Centropyge Bispinosus Coral Beauty Angelfish 1
Nemateleotris Decora Purple Firefish 2
Cirripectes Castaneus Eyelash Blenny 1
Gobiodon Atrangulatus Green Clown Goby 1
That is an impressive fish list!!! :D

Any issues with Nitrates or phosphates? Is your 702 keeping up?
Few shots from this weekend (nikon 995 in point-n-shoot mode)






- been adding rowa phos (small amount about 3/4 cup) ever other month. Also run 40w UV 24/7/365 which helps keep water clear & fish healthy. No negative effects on corals & 2 manderin and 3 wrasse seem to have plenty to eat in tank - all fat and happy.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9696298#post9696298 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pulpol
whats your secret in keeping all those fish or what do you think is the key??? very nice tank

Thanks for the comments

It's hard for me to say what I think is the "key" to success. What I have learned in this hobby since I started in Sept. 2000 is that you need to keep paramaters as constant as possible and try to keep water as clean as possible. But when it comes to testing, I don't do it that often & when I do, I only test alk & calcium weekly, but I do check PH several times a day with monitor. I also look over the tank and corals daily to see how the look.

Off top of my head, I will say that these are some of the "keys" for my success:

- I try to do a 32g water change every 7-10 days
- I use spectrapure basic mechanical float to keep salinity constant (in sump) [used over 5 years on 1st tank with 0 failure]
- I got a big skimmer that is easy to clean and care for :D I clean collection cup ever 2-3 days and empty 5+ cups of waste every time.
- I run a 40w current USA UV light 24/7.
- I use kalk stirrer and feed it with dosing pump so I can control amount of kalk added rather than connect to top-off. I have read too many posts about people having top-off dosed 5+ gallons of kalk and nuke their tank.
- I run a calcium reactor
- feed daily - usually 2-3 times a day + add nori sheets [one feeding of pellets and one of frozen brine & mysis; some days flake as well]
- I use carbon and change every 3-4 weeks.
- run about 3/4 cup rowa phos ban media and change every 4-6 weeks.

Idol success - Not sure other than I try to feed a lot and keep water quality as best I can. With the help of dbartco, I tried to create lots of caves and hiding space in rocks and b/w rocks and back of tank. At night, the tangs and angels each have their home spot to go when tank is dark - same goes for all other smaller fish.