Kuhndog's 215G tank ~ 300G System

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10260699#post10260699 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by acropora nut
Has the Emperor or the Majestic angle munched on anything in the tank?????

Mike Nice fish ..

Thanks all!

- Emperor & Majestic (plus Potters and Flame) have not munched on much at all. once in great while, I'll see them hit a coral but I suspect it due to them seeing a pod or something. No coral damage (acropora). I don't keep any zos in the tank, mainly because I'm not a big fan of them - at least in my tank. In old 120, I had xenia and emp and majestic left it alone.

My Idol did eat sarco/toad and a green finger leather. I let it destroy it bacause at time, fish was only few months old and I wanted happy fish and thought that as long as it was not going after sps, I didn't care. About 18 months later, fish still going strong and doesn't pick on any sps or the few lps I have in tank. It was picking on gigas clam, so that clam got moved to back room but I have a squamosa in the tank and nobody picks on it - go figure.
heyy mann i'm in love with your tank. I'm also planning to get a 210 reef tank. I was wondering, how much did everything cost so far including livestock and liverock. I just to get an estimate of how much my set up will be. Thanks alot.
Your tank is looking great.

I am considering an upgrade in my office to a 220 just so I can keep an ABT and a majestic.

Really nice!
bax, im getting a majestic too. Actually i was planning to get a 120 at first. Then people said the amount of fish i wanted was too much plus the majestic. So i decided to get a 180 and then ot became a 210 since its only a bit taller. All this because of the majestic, but itll be worth it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10362370#post10362370 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dandy7200
Looking great Craig.

Thanks Dan - looking forward to spreading some of my corals in your new 380 :D

reefer4eva - I hope you plan to get a good skimmer before you go and stock your new 210 with lots of fish.
Craig, I dont plan to have as many fish as you. I only plan to have a majestic angel, 2 butterflies and three tangs. The rest will be all small fish. Also, how is that deltec skimmer working for you. Thanks.
How are your fish doing in such a crowded tank. I mean are they looking happy and eating well. Im asking because i plan to stock heavily as well but with lesss fish. Also, whats the rating on that deltec skimmer. Thanks
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10387721#post10387721 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefer4eva
How are your fish doing in such a crowded tank. I mean are they looking happy and eating well. Im asking because i plan to stock heavily as well but with lesss fish. Also, whats the rating on that deltec skimmer. Thanks

AP 702 skimmer rated:
Capacity: Normal Stocking: 530g
Heavy Stocking: 400g

Should be a post or 3 by me in first few pages with photos of it and nog shots. Skimmer still working great. 4+ cups of junk dumped every 2 days.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10388888#post10388888 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NexDog
Wow, jealous. :)

Can we have a full fish list?

It's a page back on the theread
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9416530#post9416530 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ckuhndog77
Here is the current list: [kids don't try this at home]

Angel fish (large and dwarf)
Euxiphipops Navarchus Blue Girdled / Majestic Angelfish 1
Pomacanthus Imperator Imperator / Emperor Angelfish 1
Centropyge Loriculus Flame Angelfish 1
Centropyge Potteri Potter's Pygmy Angelfish 1

Pseudanthias Squamipinnis Lyretail Anthias / Scalefin Anthias 3
Pseudanthias Bimaculatus Bimaculatus Anthias / Twospot or Twinspot Anthias 3

Zanclus Canescens Moorish Idol 1

Acanthurus Coeruleus Atlantic Blue Tang 1
Zebrasoma Xanthurum Purple Tang 1
Zebrasoma Flavescens Yellow Hawaiian Tang 3
Paracanthurus Hepatus Regal Tang 1
Acanthurus japonicus Powder Brown Tang 1

Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis Rhomboid Golden Fairy Wrasse 1
Pseudocheilinus ocellatus Mystery Wrasse 1
Macropharyngodon geoffroyi Potter's Wrasse 1

Amphiprion Ocellaris Ocellaris Clownfish / False Percula Clownfish 2

Nemateleotris Decora Purple Firefish 1
Synchiropus Splendidus Green Mandarin 2
Pseudochromis fridmani Fridmani Pseudochromis / Orchid Dottyback 1
Chrysiptera Parasema Yellowtail Damsel 1
Apogon leptacanthus Longspine Cardinalfish 2

I had a 125 for 5 years and a 120 for over 2 years; they both got combined into this 215 last Feb/Mar. 2006.

I also run a 40watt Current USA UV on system + a nice media reactor for carbon Grey Seas Aquatics

It is what it is, not saying I would stock it this much if I had to do it again, but since it is that way, I work hard to provide the best for fish and corals. Based on color of coral, it looks like it's working thus far - 17 months as one system.
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Photos from 8/9/08

Full Tank Shot


Left Side



Clown & Purple-Tip BTA

Moorish Idol - same one I got back on 1/23/06

Purple Tang

Squamosa Clam

Elegance Coral from MACNA XVII (Wash. DC)
Great pictures. The Morish Idol and the Purple Tang images are swapped.

Keep up the great work; I see a lot of gorgeous corals in there. I'd like to see more of the Playgyra pini (maze) coral.